Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

the real visualisation of vegetation as this has been of special 
interest in game engines in the last years and big progress has 
been achieved. 
Today, 3D computer games are highly complex systems that 
consist of a universal game engine and the specific game 
elements like the game rules and game data (e.g. geometry, 
textures and sound files). Main emphasis is put here in the 
game engine. This module is the heart of the computer game 
and represents the basic framework independent of the game. 
This general purpose feature allows the use of the engine for 
other applications, e.g. the indoor visualisation of building 
elements. Game engines incorporates all sorts of elements 
that are vital to a game like physics, graphical user interface 
(GUI), artificial intelligence, network functionality, sound 
and event engine. Some game engines even contain scripting 
languages which makes it very easy to adapt the engines to 
one's own needs. 
The computer games Quake III Arena (developed by id 
Software) and Max Payne (developed by Remedy 
Entertainment Ltd.) are action games, also called 3D Shooter 
or First Person Shooter. The player moves around in an ego- 
perspective and fights by means of several weapons within 
the 3D world. This can be done either alone in single player 
mode or with multiple players in a network environment like 
e.g. a LAN or the internet. Both games have in common that 
the visualisation engine is what's generally called an indoor 
engine. These engines are optimised by the use of specialised 
indoor speed-up techniques like portal culling, a very popular 
technique first introduced by (Airey, Rohlf and Brooks Jr., 
1990). Based on the idea that walls are often large occluders, 
a viewer can only see into adjacent rooms through portals, 
which can be e.g. a door or a window. A potentially visible 
set (PVS) is pre-computed for all sets of viewpoints, a sort of 
database from which the rooms that are visible to the viewer 
are identified. For densely occluded architectural scenes, the 
algorithm is able to cull away the better part of the scene. 
Unfortunately, because the engines support very detailed 
environments, the virtual worlds are rather small and 
2.1 Data Acquisition and Integration 
The aforementioned game engines are of notable interest as 
both offer very good support for modifications. The game 
related parts are available as source code and there exist free 
editors for the creation of virtual 3D environment, which are 
in the context of game engines usually called maps. These 
maps are modelled via Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) 
by logically combining simple forms like cuboids, pyramids 
and spheres. It is well-advised to create a coarse model before 
modelling the finer elements of the map. The resulting 
geometry can then be texture mapped with images that can 
either be artificial or be generated from photographs. AII 
necessary steps are demonstrated in Figure 2 (Beck 2002). 
Once the map is complete, it can not yet be used by the game 
engine, because the engine itself does not understand the data 
that comes from the editors. So the map must first be 
compiled with designated tools that transform the CSG data 
into a boundary representation (B-Rep). In order to improve 
the performance of the scene rendering, the visibility 
database is generated and the lighting and shading are pre- 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
| Fine Geometric i 3D Map 
Coarse i 3D Map 
: Modelling Compilation 
Geometric Compilation 
Texture Texture Texture 
Processing Mapping 
Figure 2. Workflow for generating 3D textured maps in 
Quake III Arena (Beck, 2002). 
computed (Abrash, 1997). The whole compilation process is 
also depicted in Figure 3 (Beck 2002). 
A serious problem is, however, that existing datasets are 
unlikely stored in a format that the game engine's map 
compilers do understand or support. But fortunately, the 
game tools are often available as source code so that the 
compilers can be modified to one's own needs. 
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Q3Radiant Editor Reiss 
Lighting E 
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Figure 3. Compilation process in Quake III that transforms 
a CSG model into a boundary representation and 
pre-computes a potential visibility set and light 
maps (Beck, 2002). 
2.2 Analysis Functionality and Interactivity 
The analysis of data is a very important aspect of GIS. Even 
though game engines do not offer a great variety of that kind 
of functionality, they at least feature some interesting 
possibilities. By means of adding new entities to the Quake 3 
Arena engine, it is possible in the Q3Radiant editor to define 
new data that can be bound to every object in the map. (Beck, 
2002) e.g. realises a thematic query in this way where the 
objects are prompted by “shooting” at them. By removing the 
weapons from the game, the result is a simple point and click 
mechanism. The underlying object data, which is textual 
information about rooms and workspaces, is then displayed 
on the screen (Figure 4). 
Another engine element of great use is the path finding 
algorithm that is utilised by the artificial intelligence unit to 
control the non-player characters in the game. This 
functionality can be turned into an indoor navigation system 
that guides the user through the virtual building. (Pfeiffer, 
2002) implements a virtual museum guide that walks the 
visitor through the exhibitions using the routing and trigger 
functionality of the Max Payne game engine (see Figure 5). 

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