Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives 
Figure 4. The result of a thematic query shows that this 
door leads to the room of the GIS group. 
Figure 5. A virtual guide leads the user through the 
different fields of science in the exhibition room 
of the information system of the Institute for 
Photogrammetry (ifp). 
The Unreal Engine 2 (developed by Epic Games) is one of 
the most widely used game engines to date. Because it is a 
cross-platform solution, a broad range of products from PC 
and video games to architectural visualisations have been 
already developed with it. Being optimized for both indoor 
and outdoor environments, it is one of the most modern and 
versatile engines (see Unreal, 2004). Like most other game 
engines, the technology is encapsulated in a binary runtime 
library, while the game related parts of the Unreal games are 
available as source code in a scripting language called 
UnrealScript. The novel approach of Epic Games is that they 
released the Unreal Engine 2 Runtime free for non- 
commercial and educational use. This means that there is no 
need to buy the game itself to run modifications and 
applications that have been developed by the community. 
The runtime even includes the map editor UnrealEd and 
header files for C++ programmers. Beginners do find lots of 
technical documents and even video tutorial that teach level 
design, script programming and much more. 
of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 6. The Unreal Engine 2 is equally suited for indoor 
and outdoor environments and produces stunning 
landscape images in real-time. 
So far, the focus of this article was on the visualisation of 
indoor environments. Most geo-spatial data are, however, 
rather outdoor data like e.g. digital height models or 3D city 
models. There also exist powerful game engines that feature 
outdoor rendering capabilities. The game engine Torque 
(developed by GarageGames) combines both indoor and 
outdoor visualisation modules into one software package 
(Torque, 2004). But there also are powerful open source 
game-like libraries available that make stunning outdoor 
visualisation applications possible with very little effort. 
These libraries have matured so that very little programming 
effort is needed to create one's own visualisation application. 
4.1 Open Scene Graph 
The Open Scene Graph (OSG) is a cross-platform C++ / 
OpenGL library for real-time visualisation. It has become a 
powerful alternative to traditional tools like Performer and is 
freely available under the GNU LGPL at (Osfield, 2004). The 
library not only features high performance rendering 
capabilities and excellent support for PC graphics 
accelerators, but also offers stereo mode and a broad variety 
of loaders for many common data formats. Several people 
from the open source community already contributed plug- 
ins and exporter for a number of popular modellers like 3D 
Studio Max or Blender. For the purpose of moving through 
the datasets, there exist camera manipulators that simulate 
movement in a car or in an airplane. The drive camera 
manipulator even uses collision detection so that the virtual 
vehicle stays on the ground. OSG has been successfully used 
in non-commercial games and virtual reality applications. 
4.0 libMini 
For the real-time visualisation of digital terrain models, a 
continuous level-of-detail (C-LOD (Lindstrom et al., 1996)) 
approach is generally used. The C-LOD terrain rendering 
library libMini recursively generates triangle fans during the 
view-dependent generation of the quad-tree structured 
triangulation (Roettger et al., 1998). The library is licensed 

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