Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 10. The GISMO client uses SpeedTreeRT to visualise 
realistic looking trees in real-time. 
The article gave an introduction to 3D game engines and how 
these software packages can be used to develop serious 
visualisation applications. A problem is still, however, to get 
existing spatial data into a format that the game or the 
accompanying editors and tools understand. Once this 
obstacle has been overcome, the powerful rendering modules 
create beautiful indoor and outdoor scenes in real-time. If 
desired, the other modules of the game engine enable 
physically correct walkthroughs or fly-over even in a multi- 
user world. Such applications are far more desirable then pre- 
generated movies that are still commonly used for 
presentation purposes and the demand for real-time systems 
steadily increases. Especially in application areas like urban 
planning, emergency response, tourism and traffic 
management, the freedom of movement that game engines 
offer are of great interest. 
Game engines aim for PC environments, so that the 
visualisation of photo-realistic, textured landscapes is now 
available for almost everyone. With the introduction of 
mobile 3D graphics chipsets that will soon make their way 
into cell phones, handheld video consoles and portable 
multimedia stations, 3D games and visualisation will be at 
everyone's hand at all times. There are many game engines 
available as source code or as binary runtime library that are 
free for non-commercial applications. Other sources for 
powerful visualisation software are the many game-like 
libraries available in the internet. Two such libraries, namely 
OpenSceneGraph and libMini have been successfully used in 
the real-time visualisation of large-scale urban landscapes. 
The project GISMO has demonstrated that these libraries are 
capable of rendering huge data sets at interactive frame rates 
and are thus a good alternative to commercial products. They 
are also very easy to use and can be easily integrated into 
other software products. 
A big improvement to the réalism of virtual environments is 
the inclusion of vegetation. Tree libraries are now available 
that are successfully used in commercial game products. 
Other libraries will soon follow that will be able to render all 
kinds of vegetation like grass and bushes. 
Abrash, M., 1997. Graphics Programming Black Book, 
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2003. Real-Time Visualisation of Urban Landscapes Using 
Open-Source Software In: Proceedings of the ACRS 2003 
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International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Busan, Korea. 
(On CD-ROM) 
Lindstrom, P., Koller, D., Ribarsky, W., Hodges, L.F., Faust, 
N. and Turner, G., 1996. Real-Time, Continous Level of 
Detail Rendering of Height Fields. In: Proceedings of 
SIGGRAPH '96, pp. 109-118. 
Osfield, R., 2004. Open Scene Graph. 
Pfeiffer, R., 2002. Untersuchung der Realisierbarkeit von 
Geoinformationssystemen mittels des Game-Editors MaxED. 
Student Thesis, Stuttgart University, Institute for 
Photogrammetry (ifp), (not published) 
Remolar, I., Chover, M., Belmonte, O., Ribelles, J., Rebollo, 
C., 2002. Real-Time Tree Rendering. Departamento de 
Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos, Universitat Jaume I, 
Technical Report DLSI 01/03/2002, Castellon, Spain. 
Roettger, S., Heidrich, W. Slusallek, Ph and Seidel, H.-P., 
1998. Real-Time Generation of Continuous Levels of Detail 
for Height Fields. In: Proceedings WSCG '98, pp. 315-322. 
Roettger, S., 2004. libMini Terrain Rendering Library. 
http://wwwvis.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/~roettger, 2004. 
SpeedTree, 2004. SpeedTree. http://www.idvinc.com, 2004. 
Torque, 2004. Torque Game Engine SDK. 
Unreal, 2004. Unreal Engine 2 Runtime. 

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