International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004
4.Design and Implement of 3D Rendering Engine
Base on some computer graphics algorithms and 3D GIS
principles, we designed and implemented an advanced 3D
visualization engines: PowerCity3D. The graphic API is
OpenGL. Using PowerCity3D, users can produce a good
quality of 3D city scene and inquire object information base on
Access data-base.
4.1 advanced modeling techniques
In PowerCity3D, Some advanced graphics algorithms was
(3) Particle systems
A particle system is defined by a collection of particles that
evolves over time. The evolution is determined by applying
certain probabilistic rules to the particles: they may generate
new particles, they may gain new attributes depending on their
age, or they may disappear from the scene. They also may move
according to either deterministic or stochastic laws of motion.
Each object in particle systems has the following attributes:
position, velocity, color, lifetime, age, shape, size and
transparency. In our 3D engine, Particle systems are used to
model fire, fog, smoke, and water.
Figure 10 shows the procedure of particle is generated. Figure
11 shows the fountain based on particle systems in our 3D
jenerate new particle > Gain new attributes
Particle die
Change attributes
of remain particle
Particle rendering
Figl0 the procedure of particle is generated
Figll particle system model fountain
(2) Billboard modeling
Billboard is a new approach for extreme simplification in the
context of real-time rendering. Using Billboard, 3D models are
simplified onto a set of planes with texture and transparency
maps. Xavier use Billboard cloud to simplified 3D model.
[Xavier 2003]. Aleks realized interactive vegetation
rendering with a simplified image-based rendering
approach based solely on alpha-blend textured polygons
[Aleks 2000].
[n this paper, we use billboard to rendering plants, street
lamps, smoke, buildings and so on. We first replace large
sets of faces by a texture plane which is generated by
projecting a texture on a plane (Figure 12). Then we rotate
the plane to adapt to the viewpoint (Figure 13).
Figl3(a) Billboard rotate
b(x Yo 22)
a : Billboard b
a(x..y ^ Zi
^ 1
Billboard a NN 7
Figl3( b) Billboard rotate in XZ
Fig13 view-dependent Billboard rotate
The Q can be defined as:
o omi X
Q z 90" — tan! (77) (3)
Where, (x,,y,,z,) isthe Billboard' coordinate.
Figure 14 shows the billboard rendering in 3D scene..
Fig14 Billboard in 3D scene
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