Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 3 3D grid view options in Vertical Mapper 
The second part of case study campus area visualized by 3D 
StudioVIZ. Firstly contours are imported to the program. 
Program automatically creates covered terrain structure by 
using the contours. There are three different cover choices in 
the program. These are "graded surface", "graded solid", 
“layered solid”. 1 prefer to use “graded solid”. Because 
topographic structure smoothly appears and surface cover is 
built from TIN. Lighting of the area is done with “sunlight” 
Program has two different appearances. One of this is 
“smooth+highlights” options. This option allows to user to see 
smoothing view of the project. Other view is wireframe which 
allows to user to see uncovered objects which has lines. 
There are a few buildings in the campus. They are Faculty of 
Arts and Sciences building, Otag-i Humayun (an old and 
historical building which needs to restore), gymnastic center 
and dining hall. The entire buildings boundaries were redrawn 
with line commute by 3D Studio VIZ. Then they were extruded 
(Figure 4 and Figure 5). So they were created in 3 dimension. 
Faculty of Arts and Sciences building's windows and doors 
were created and visualized. Then roads middle axis was 
created with line commute and extruded 3' dimension. Entire 
buildings were covered and painted their real color. The natural 
varieties determined and approximately similar 3D drawing 
type of trees which were available in the campus found from 
internet. This tree type was proper but there was complicate. So 
they use the memory so hard. For the easy studying and 
drawing with the program we should have a high capacity (ram, 
processor etc.) computer. The computer which I study is an 
average capacity so I hard to study especially putting the trees. I 
try to put all the trees in the area but this was impossible with 
my computer. So I firstly put the big and old trees which 
surveyed. Then other trees put after eliminating. This 
elimination allows me to easily studying with the computer. 
Then boundary walls were created. Back to the boundary walls 
another high walls created for the back round. And the back 
round walls covered with the sky photos. 
Figure 4 An extruded building by 3D Studio VIZ (fireframe 
Figure 5 An extruded building by 3D Studio VIZ 
(smooth+highlights view) 
The second part of the case study includes animation. I decided 
to make two different animation of the area. One of them is 
animation which goes over the area the other is an animation

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