Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
inbul 2004 
Kraak, M.L, 1998. Interactive Modelling Environment for 
Three-dimensional Maps: Functionally and Interface Issues. In: 
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Taylor, D.R.F., Pergamon, pp. 269-285. 
| Kraak, M.J., 1998. The Cartographic Visualization Process: 
| From Presentation to Exploration. The Cartographic Journal, 
Vol.35, No.1, pp. 11-15. 
| Kraak, M.J., 1999. Cartography and the Use of Animation. In: 
| Multimedia Cartography, Eds: Cartwright, W., Peterson, M.P., 
Gartner, G., Springer, Germany, pp. 173-180. 
| MacEachren, A.M., 1994. Visualization in Modern 
Cartography: Setting the Agenda. In: Visualization in Modern 
| Cartography, Eds: MacEachren, A.M., Taylor, D.R.F. 
| Pergamon, pp. 1-12. 
| Visvalingam, M., 1994. Visualization in GIS, Cartography and 
| ViSC. In: Visualization in Geographic Information Systems, 
| Eds: Unwin, D.J., Hearnshaw, H.M., John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 
pp. 19-25. 
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