Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
field, from a cloud field that is present in all three dimensions, 
we used the same processing chain both in the cloud bottom 
field, and the local alpine numerical weather prediction model, 
used from the Swiss Meteorological Office (MeteoSwiss). 
1.3 Related work 
The problem of modelling and rendering gaseous phenomena 
has been an active topic since 20 years now either as a problem 
not solved in computer graphics at that time (Blinn, 1982) , or 
in more practical approaches in the field of cinema special 
effects (Reeves, 1983). Point based rendering techniques have 
given a simple, yet flexible and powerful tool for rendering. 
Levoy and Whitted extended the use of points further than 
rendering smoke or fire, into traditional geometry visualisation 
(Levoy, 1985). The last few years were followed by an increase 
in applications demanding visualisation solutions, together with 
huge developments in computer hardware. In (Rusinkiewicz, 
2000), (Zwicker, 2001) points in combination with texture 
splatting were used, while Harris (Harris, 2001) used particles 
and impostors to deliver high frame rates for scenes with many 
cloud objects. Nishita and others (Nishita, 1996), (Dobashi, 
2000) used a particle system to control the metaballs model 
that composed the cloud objects and in combination with 
hardware accelereted OpenGL programming, they achieved 
impressive results of rendering and animation of clouds in near- 
real-time (Figure 1). 
Figure I: Clouds modelled using metaballs 
(from Dobash et. al. 2000) 
Alternative methods like the planar and curved surfaces with 
texture used by Gardner (Gardner, 1985) and textures with 
noise and turbulence functions (Ebert, 1990), taken from the 
work of Perlin (Perlin, 1985) provided new perspectives, which 
were difficult though to apply to real world measurements. 
Volume rendering has undergone many inporvements on the 
speed of algorithms and the work of Lacroute at the University 
of Stanford (Lacroute, 1994), (Volpack URL) and its 
development by Schulze (Schulze, 2001) attracted our attention 
and part of it was included in our implementation. 
2.1 Initial tests 
We started our tests on the ground-based (GB) measurements, 
creating a triangulation of the cloud bottom height (CBH) 
surface. Afterwards we used the GB images in combination 
with the point cloud for determining whether the point 
belonged to a cloud or not (Figure 3). We first performed an 
adaptive histogram equalization on the image and then 
classified the points. The results of this procedure were quite 
good (Figure 3), but is not full-automatic since it demands 
some input from the user. 
The remaining points formed the triangulated model of the 
CBH surface, which was textured mapped, using the standard 
interface OpenGL (OpenGL URL) (Woo, 1999), as an attempt 
Figure 2: Point cloud from ground measurements (left) and its 
triangulation (right) 
Figure 3: Cloud mask applied in GB measure- 
to increase the realism of the visualisation. These first results 
were fair, but further improvement was not intented since we 
consider traditional polygonal modelling/rendering as an 
inefficient method for volumetric phenomena. A part of these 
first attempts were used, though, in further stages. 
2.2 Development of modelling methods 
The point cloud which resulted from the first stage, was used as 
data for developing and testing a point based rendering system, 
using particles. We constructed a simple system which includes 
positional and colour information for each particle, based on the 
point measurements of CBH. We also prepared the source code 
to import wind direction vectors for the animation of 3D clouds 
from subsequent measurements, lifetime duration of each 
particle and normal vector direction. This normal vector 
direction results from the triangulation of the first stage. Some 
test animations were performed with GB measurements 
adding artificial data for wind direction and speed, with 
variations in the particle size and anti-aliasing methods with 
satysfying results as far as performane and memory consuption 
is concerned. 
In the frame of this work, we first looked into different 
techniques of cloud modelling and concluded that the main 
issue is the description of clouds as volumes. These volumes 
consist of cells, where the values of the desired attributes are 
stored, usually aligned in regular grids. We constructed three- 
dimensional textures from ground based measurements. The 
pixel values adjust the material transparency and they are 
calculated according to the number of point measurements 
present inside each volume pixel. Volume modelling was 
tested, using the help of a software used in several weather- 
related applications, called Vis5d. An open source software, 
released under the GNU General Public License (Vis5D URL). 
The positive conclusions are the compression of the volume 
data, and the ease of including subsequent measurements and 
creating an animation. The negative cocnlusions are the absence 
at that stage of CTH estimations, which lead to an incomplete 
volume dataset, and a not satisfying final volume rendering. 
The first impression was that a completed version of the dataset 
would bring much better results. 
The classification method described in section 2.1 was based 
only uppon the radiometric behaviour (colour channels) of the

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