Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
where C is the calibration matrix. Using raw pixel co- 
ordinates, as opposed to actual 2D co-ordinates means that 
we are dealing with an uncalibrated camera. 
Consider the space point, X — [X, Y, Z]" , and its image 
in two different camera locations; x — [r, y, 1]^ and x' — 
[c^, y’, 1]7. Then it is well known that: 
x'Ex' —0 
Here E is the essential matrix, which is defined as: 
Ez IR 
where £ is the translational motion between the 3D cam- 
era positions, and R is the rotation matrix. The essential 
matrix can be computed from a set of correspondences be- 
tween two different camera positions using linear methods 
(Longuet-Higgins, 1981). This computational process has 
been considered to be very ill-conditioned, but in fact a 
simple pre-processing step improves the conditioning, and 
produces very reasonable results (Hartley, 1997a). The 
matrix FE encodes the epipolar geometry between the two 
camera positions. If the calibration matrix C is not known, 
then the uncalibrated version of the essential matrix is the 
fundamental matrix: 
n° fi =0 
Here ü — [u. v, 1] and à' — [u', u/, 1]7 are the raw pixel 
co-ordinates of the calibrated points x and x'. The fun- 
damental matrix F can be computed directly from a set 
of correspondences by a modified version of the algorithm 
used to compute the essential matrix E. As is the case 
with the essential matrix, the fundamental matrix also en- 
codes the epipolar geometry of the two images. Once E is 
known, the 3D location of the corresponding points can be 
computed. Similarly, once F is known the 3D co-ordinates 
of the corresponding points can also be computed, but up 
to a prpjective transformation. However, the actual sup- 
porting correspondences in terms of pixel co-ordinates are 
identical for both the essential and fundamental matrices. 
Having a camera calibration simply enables us to move 
from a projective space into a Euclidean space, that is from 
F to E. 
We are given a set of n input images, and we want to cal- 
culate the fundamental matrix between every one of these 
n? image pairs. Consider a single pair of images from 
these set of n? images. We first find corners in each im- 
age, then find possible matches between these corners, and 
finally use these putative matches to compute the funda- 
mental matrix. The number of matching corners that sup- 
port a given fundamental matrix is a good indication of the 
quality or correctness of that matrix. 
5.1 Corners/interest Points 
The first step is to find a set of corners or interest points 
in each image. These are the points where there is a sig- 
nificant change in image gradient in both the x and y di- 
rection. The most common corner algorithm is describe 
by Harris (Harris and Stephens, 1988). While these cor- 
ners are invariant to rotation in the camera plane they are 
sensitive to changes in scale, and also to rotations out of 
the camera plane. Recently, experiments have been done 
to test a newer generation of corners that are invariant over 
a wider set of transformations (Mikolajezk and Schmid, 
2003). The results of this test show that SIFT corners per- 
form best (Lowe, 1999). The SIFT operator finds at mul- 
tiple scales, and describes the region around each corner 
by a histogram of gradient orientations. This description 
provides robustness against localization errors and small 
geometric distortions. 
5.2 Matching Corners 
Each SIFT corner is characterized by 128 unsigned eight 
bit numbers which define the multi-scale gradient orienta- 
tion histogram. To match SIFT corners it is necessary to 
compare corner descriptors. This is done by simply com- 
puting the L? distance between two different descriptors. 
Assume that in onc image there are j corners, and in the 
other there are k corners. Then the goal is for each of these 
j corners to find the closest of the k corners in the other 
image under the L? norm. This takes time proportional to 
jk, but since 7 and 7 are in the order of one thousand, the 
time taken is not prohibitive. 
However, it is still necessary to threshold these L? dis- 
tances in order to decide if a match is acceptable. Instead 
of using a fixed threshold for this L? distance, a dynamic 
threshold is computed. This is done by finding the first and 
second closest corner match. Then we compute the ratio 
of these two L? distances, and accept the match only if 
the second best match is significantly worse than the first. 
If this is not the case then the match is considered to be 
ambiguous, and is rejected. This approach works well in 
practice (Lowe, 1999), and avoids the use of an arbitrary 
threshold to decide on whether a pair of corners is a good 
5.3 Computing the Fundamental Matrix 
The next step is to use these potentially matching corners to 
compute the fundamental matrix. This process must be ro- 
bust, since it can not be assumed that all of the matches are 
correct. Robustness is achieved by using concepts from the 
field of robust statistics, in particular, random sampling. 
Random sampling is a “generate and test process” in which 
a minimal set of correspondences, in this case the smallest 
number necessary to define a unique fundamental matrix 
(7 points), are randomly chosen (Rousseeuw, 1984, Bolles 
and Fischler, 1981, Roth and Levine, 1993, Torr and Mur- 
ray, 1993, Xu and Zhang, 1996). A fundamental matrix is 
then computed from this best minimal set. The set of all 
corners that satisfy this fundamental matrix is called the 
support set. The fundamental matrix 7;;, with the largest 
support set S F;; is returned by the random sampling pro- 
cess. The matching corners (support set) for two typical 
wide baseline views is shown in Figure 1. 

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