Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

anbul 2004 
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n Figure 2 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
t NS 
sensor | sensor 2 
Figure 2. Position uncertainty volume with upper (z') and 
lower limit (z) for the calculated position with 
coordinate z. 
For each object position in the two images the position 
uncertainty is +): pixel. This leads to an uncertainty of +1 for 
the disparity. For small deviations of the disparity the deviation 
in the z-component of the calculated three-dimensional position 
is given by equation (2): 
Oz z^ 
E Ad Ad (2) 
Ac mic. 
od Zz 
It shows that for a fixed uncertainty in disparity, i.e. Ad = +1, 
the uncertainty of the z-component (Az) increases with 
quadratic order in z. Equation (2) is a good approximation for 
the position uncertainty at short ranges, but at long ranges the 
uncertainty of +1 for the disparity is not small compared to the 
absolute value of the disparity. There we use the exact values 
for the z-component of the farthest point (z') and the 
z-component of the nearest point (2°) of the uncertainty volume 
given by equation (1) but decreasing and increasing the 
measured disparity by one unit, respectively, as shown in 
equation (3). 
EHI sigo ] 
d ST 1 l/z jee Vz. 
= z max ] 
edf 1 Va Mr 
It is important to note that this uncertainty is not a statistical 
error, but a systematic error. This implies that it can not be 
decreased by subsequent independent measurements. To 
explain this fact, we assume that we have found the same 
disparity in several subsequent stereo-image pairs. With that the 
probability for an object being near the average position is not 
higher than being somewhere else in the uncertainty volume, 
which means that the uncertainty volume does not decrease 
compared to the uncertainty volume for a single stereo-image 
pair. We have to remind this fact when we discuss the 
uncertainty for the velocity estimation in the next chapter. 
In this chapter we want to discuss the fundamental limitations 
for the accuracy of the object velocity based on the accuracy of 
the object position given in chapter 2. Since for objects at long 
ranges the position uncertainty in the z-component is always 
much greater than the position uncertainty perpendicular to it, 
we restrict our discussion to the z-component of the velocity 
and use for that component the variable v. 
For the extraction of the object velocity we need subsequent 
position determinations for the object at different points of time. 
When an object is moving in space, it successively hits the 
same or other uncertainty volumes, which means that the 
calculated position located in the middle of each uncertainty 
volume jumps from time to time by rather large amounts. 
Figure 3 shows an example of this situation. All three tracks in 
Figure 3 lead to alternating values of the disparity of 3 and 4. 
Even though the tracks differ in the ratio of the number of these 
disparity values, for long ranges this ratio is affected by 
disturbance of the atmosphere and not quite reliable. Since the 
difference in disparity of £1 unit can be caused by approaching 
objects as well as by departing objects, this difference yields no 
information about the sign of v. 
Figure 3. Different object tracks together with their 
corresponding uncertainty volumes. The calculated 
quantized positions and disparity values are 
Only after the disparity reaches a difference of +2 or -2 units it 
makes sense to calculate a velocity value. Of course, the 
uncertainty of the velocity at this time is rather large, but it 
improves while the absolute difference of the disparity 
increases. Figure 4 shows how the position and the upper and 

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