Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

inbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
velocity uncertainty move on the corresponding dashed line in 
Figure 5. This decreases the used track-length and therefore 
also the time interval for averaging much faster but on the 
expense of a constant perhaps rather poor velocity uncertainty. 
There are a lot of different alternative possibilities of choosing 
the track-length depending on the application. 
& 0,64 
0.4 4 
normalized track length (z,-zyz,,.. 
0,04 T " T A LI 
0.0 0.1 0.17 92 0.27 03 
normalized current distance z/z 
Figure 5. Minimal track-length (lower solid line), optimal 
track-length (upper solid line) and relative velocity 
uncertainties for different track-lengths (dashed 
lines) as function of the normalized current distance. 
The dotted line shows, as example, the whole 
track-length for an object detected first at 
Zz. = 027. 
= © 
c 2 
min. z 
normalized distance z/z,,,. 
= e 
max. Z uem 
0.04 ; 7 7 7 ; v * 7 7 3 
(0. 01:09:22 :03 0.4705 0.60.7708 09710 
relative velocity uncertainty Av/v 
Figure 6. Maximal normalized current distance and minimal 
detection distance as function of desired relative 
velocity uncertainty. 
It can be seen from Figure 5 that velocity extraction with a 
certain velocity uncertainty is only possible at distances less 
than an upper bound distance. This upper bound distance is 
shown in Figure 6 by the lower line. For the example of 50% 
uncertainty, this value is reached only below z/z,4, = 0,11. In 
addition, to reach this value at this distance the track-length 
must exceed a certain value, what means that the first detection 
of the object must be farer than a lower bound distance shown 
by the upper line in Figure 6. In the given example the first 
detection must then be farer than z/Zmax = 0.27. 
In summary, for velocity extraction with an acceptable value for 
the velocity uncertainty at a certain range the stereoscopic 
system must be designed to resolve a much greater distance, 
which is given by the value of zmax- 
For the data evaluation we used IR image sequences taken in 
November 2001 at the coast of Eckernfôrde in North Germany 
with various airborne objects approaching the sensors. We used 
two sensors from AIM in Germany with a Field of View (FOV) 
of 8.8?x6.6?, 640x480 pixels and a focal length of 100 mm. The 
ground-truth positions of the objects were recorded using 
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS). 
Our approach to the evaluation of three-dimensional object 
position and velocity from bin-ocular image sequences can be 
subdivided into different, consecutive steps as follows: Each of 
the two image sequences is processed individually by an IRST 
algorithm which is composed of the tasks image pre-processing 
to correct  sensor-specific inhomogeneities, ^ motion- 
compensating temporal image integration to increase the signal- 
to-noise-ratio, non-linear spatial filtering to detect point-like as 
well as extended objects, segmentation of objects and spatio- 
temporal tracking of potential objects to create two-dimensional 
tracks in each image sequence. 
For each stereo-image pair the positions of the objects which 
built the two-dimensional tracks are combined with the position 
and orientation of the sensors to reconstruct the three- 
dimensional positions of the objects by resection in space. 
These three-dimensional positions in consecutive image-pairs 
are linked together to three-dimensional tracks, using the two- 
dimensional track information. The three-dimensional velocity 
extraction starts when the difference of the maximum and 
minimum z-component of the track exceeds the minimal 
necessary track-length given by the lower solid line in Figure 5. 
After that the track-length for optimum velocity uncertainty is 
used for all inbound objects to extract the velocity until the 
relative velocity uncertainty falls below 50%. Then only the 
track-length to achieve 50% relative velocity error is used 
further. The used track-lengths are shown in Figure 7 as dots, 
together with the theoretical curves from Figure 5. 
The dots in Figure 7 occur only at certain distances as expected 
from the quantization of the calculated three-dimensional 
positions. The positions are slightly smeared out due to the fact, 
that the object while moving occurs at different positions in the 
images and the sensors were not exactly aligned. The 
track-length chosen for velocity extraction is systematically 
‘greater than given by the 50% line. The reason for that is, that 
the calculated track-length to achieve 50% velocity error is 
transferred to an averaging time interval using not the averaged 
velocity but the lower bound of the velocity range calculated 

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