Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
(DMCTM). The ADS40TM which has been developed in co- 
operation with the DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und 
Raumfahrt — the German Aerospace Centre) is a three-line 
pushbroom scanner with 28? forward fore and 14?aft viewing 
angles from the nadir. With this design each object point is 
imaged 3 times with a stereo angle of up to 42?. Each 
panchromatic view direction includes 2 CCD-lines, each with 
12000 pixels in staggered arrangement, leading to 24 000 
pixels, covering a swath of 3.75km from a flying altitude of 
3000m with a 15cm ground pixel size. The DMCTM has a 
different design; it integrates 4 digital panchromatic cameras 
(and 4 multispectral 3k x 2k cameras) with CCD of 4Kx7K 
resolution, resulting in images with 8k by 14k resolution. With a 
pixel size of 12um x 12um and a focal length of 120mm, the 
camera has a 43.1° by 75.4° field of view. A bundle block 
adjustment of a small block with crossing flight directions with 
an image scale 1:12 800 (flying height 1500m) resulted in a 
sigma0 of 2um (1/6 pixel). At independent check points 
standard deviations of o, — o, —/-4cm corresponding to 3.3um 
in the image (1/4 pixel) and o, =+/-10cm corresponding to 
2.7um x-parallax were achieved (Doerstel et al 2002). Such 
accuracy is far beyond what is achievable with a film-based 
camera. It should be noted that although digital frame cameras 
do currently not reach the accuracy of film-based sensors, other 
digital imaging techniques surpass them by a considerable 
Another important development in digital imaging is the 
development of airborne hyperspectral imaging sensors. These 
sensors are used to map different bands of the visible and 
invisible spectrum. Typically they are pushbroom scanners and 
can produce more than 100 different bands or channels. The 
combination of specific bands produces a unique signature for 
each material in the scene. These signatures are used to classify 
and identify the materials present at each location. It is 
therefore an excellent tool for environmental assessments, 
mineral mapping and exploration, vegetation communities and 
species, health studies, and general land management studies. 
This imagery is especially powerful when combined with 
LIDAR points or the LIDAR generated surface. For example 
the extraction of forest canopy heights can be accomplished 
using a combination of hyperspectral classification and LIDAR 
based multiple return analysis techniques. 
Among the new technologies, Airborne IFSAR (Interferometric 
Synthetic Aperture Radar) mapping is attracting much attention 
in the geo-spatial community. This attention is due to the 
flexibility of system deployment, near weather-independent 
operation, cloud penetrating capability, versatile map products, 
and quick turn-around time. As a result, high-resolution 
airborne IFSAR systems are providing data to applications 
traditionally supported by conventional Photogrammetric 
technology. The three main products are, Digital Elevation 
Models (DEMs), digital Orthorectified Radar Images (ORRIs), 
and Topographic Line Maps (TLMs). 
Direct geo-referencing is the determination of time-variable 
position and orientation parameters for a mobile digital imager. 
The most common technologies used for this purpose today are 
satellite positioning by GPS and inertial navigation using an 
Inertial Measuring Unit (IMU). Although each technology can 
in principle determine both position and orientation, they are 
usually integrated in such a way that the GPS receiver is the 
main position sensor, while the IMU is the main orientation 
sensor. The orientation accuracy of an IMU is largely 
determined by the gyro drift rates, typically described by a bias 
(constant drift rate), the short tem bias stability, and the angle 
random walk. Typically, four classes of gyros are distinguished 
according to their constant drift rate, namely: 
l. strategic gyros (0.0005-0.0010 deg/h or degree per month) 
2. navigation-grade gyros (0.002-0.01 deg/h or degree per 
tactical gyros (1-10 deg/h or degree per hour) 
4,  low-accuracy gyros (100-10 000 deg/h or degree per 
Only the last three classes will be discussed in the following. 
Operational testing of direct geo-referencing started in the early 
nineties, see for instance Cannon and Schwarz (1990) for 
airborne applications, and Lapucha et al (1990) for land-vehicle 
applications. These early experiments were done by integrating 
differential GPS with a navigation-grade IMU (accelerometer 
bias: 2-3 10-4ms-2, gyro bias: 0.003 deg/h) and by including 
the derived coordinates and attitude (pitch, roll, and azimuth) 
into a photogrammetric block adjustment. Although GPS was 
not fully operational at that time, results obtained by using GPS 
in differential kinematic mode were promising enough to 
pursue this development. As GPS became fully operational the 
INS/DGPS geo-referencing system was integrated with a 
number of different imaging sensors. Among them were the 
Casi sensor manufactured by Itres Research Ltd., see Cosandier 
et al (1993); the MEIS of the Canada Centre for Remote 
Sensing, see ; and a set of CCD cameras, see El-Sheimy and 
Schwarz (1993). Thus, by the end of 1993 experimental systems 
for mobile mapping existed for both airborne and land vehicles. 
A more detailed overview of the state of the art at that time is 
given in Schwarz et al (1993). The evolution of the geo- 
referencing technology during the past decade was due to the 
ongoing refinement and miniaturization of GPS-receiver 
hardware and the use of low and medium cost IMU’s that 
became available in the mid-nineties. Only the latter 
development will be briefly discussed here. 
The inertial systems used in INS/GPS integration in the early 
nineties were predominantly  navigation-grade systems, 
typically strapdown systems of the ring-laser type. When 
integrated with DGPS, they provided position and attitude 
accuracies sufficient for all accuracy classes envisaged at that 
time. These systems came, however, with a considerable price 
tag (about US $ 130 000 at that time). With the rapidly falling 
cost of GPS-receiver technology, the INS became the most 
expensive component of the geo-referencing system. Since 
navigation-grade accuracy was not required for the bulk of the 
low and medium accuracy applications, the emergence of low- 
cost IMU in the mid-nineties provided a solution to this 
problem. These systems came as an assembly of solid state 
inertial sensors with analog read-outs and a post-compensation 
accuracy of about 10 deg/h for gyro drifts and about 10-2 ms-2 
for accelerometer biases. Prices ranged between US$ 10 000 
and 20 000 and the user had to add the A/D portion and the 
navigation software. Systems of this kind were obviously not 
suited as stand-alone navigation systems because of their rapid 
position error accumulation. However, when provided with 
high-rate position and velocity updates from differential GPS 
(1s pseudo-range solutions), the error growth could be kept in 
bounds and the position and attitude results from the integrated 
solution were suitable for low and medium accuracy 
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