Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
2.2 Target field and camera configurations 
A 2-D target field is made of 500 x 500 x 5mm metal plate, 24 
x 33 (792 in total) retro-targets with the diameter of 3mm are 
placed on a lattice of 15mm width. 
Figure 1. An image of close exposure over the target field 
The camera used was Kodak DCS660m (Monochrome, 2008 x 
3040 pixels CCD) with Nikkor 20mm lens. In order to stabilize 
the interior orientation parameters, working parts of the lens 
was fixed with silicone. In exposures shutter speed was set to 
1/400, aperture to F/22, and a strobe light was used. 
The following three basic camera configurations were 
(1) Panoramic convergent (Pan ) configuration 
(2) Close convergent (Close) configuration 
(3) Close parallel or Block (Block) configuration 
(1) Pan: Two images were taken at every eight camera stations 
with a convergent angle of 30degrees. The camera was rotated 
by 90degrees at each exposure. The distance to the field from 
the camera was 2,000mm. The object space was imaged to 
about 600 x 600 pixels in the CCD area. This configuration is 
expected to yield the high precisions of object space 
(2) Close: Sixteen images were exposed at eight camera 
stations just as in the same conditions as in (1), except for the 
distance from the camera to the field, which is set to 500mm. 
With this configuration a strong network is formed and the 
entire sensor area is uniformly covered with target images. 
(3) Block: At the six camera stations of 1,000mm from the 
target field, two images per station were taken in the parallel 
camera configuration. Each two images covered a 1/6 target 
field as shown in Figure3 and were rotated with respect to the 
camera axis by 180degrees to the other. 
This configuration is based on the following idea. For 
strengthening a network, convergent exposure is desirable. 
However, convergent exposure deforms a target to an ellipse 
form. And the close-up camera configuration may shift the 
image centre of the ellipse from the true centre of the target, 
which deteriorates image coordinates. 
On the other hand, in a parallel exposure configuration, in spite 
of a weak network, target images become homogeneous. That is, 
this configuration has an advantage of the homogeneity to 
increase in coordinate quality. Taking it into consideration that 
the space coordinates of targets arc already determined, it is 
expected that the weak network pose relatively little influence 
on coordinate quality. 
In order to keep target images homogeneous, it was necessary 
to avoid extreme close exposures and cover the target field by 
Figure 2. Panoramic and convergent exposure 
Figure3. Block exposure 
Including these three camera configurations, their combinations 
were tested on calibration quality. 
(1) Adjustment of only Pan images 
(2) Adjustment of only Close images 
(3) Simultaneous adjustment of Pan and Close images 
(4) Simultaneous adjustment of Pan and Block exposure images 
(5) Simultaneous adjustment of all the images 
2.3 Coordinates measurement and adjustment 
Since the target field is of a form of a lattice, it is easy to 
identify image points using the 2D projective transformation 
equation once the image points are extracted. Namely they can 
be identified by manual labelling of four or more points of the 
corners of the lattice. Hence the difficulty lies in measurement 
of target images coordinates. 
For this measurement, target images are first recognized by 
binarization of images, and then coordinates are measured by 
simple centroid calculation in Pan and Block images, while this 
technique is hard to adapt to Close images, since the size and 
brightness of target images vary drastically over an image plane. 
The farthest target image is dark and its diameter is about only 
three pixels, while the nearest target image is very bright with a 
diameter of about 20 pixels. For this reason, simple binalization 
does not work well. To conquer this difficulty, the Laplacian of 
Gaussian filter in equation 2 was applied to the image, and the 
target images were extracted using zero-crossing information. 
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