Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
In accompanying video sequence one can see some results of 
our image processing method for a static camera and mobile 
objects. In this case, we have a fixed geometrical background 
with a mobile foreground. Nevertheless, the fixed character of 
the background, there appear some meaningful facts relative to 
the image segmentation which are linked to variable lightening 
conditions Indeed, small lightening differences are increased by 
concentrating available information around middle values. This 
sequence provides an analysis of mobile objects with easy 
kinematic properties relative to depth variations which can be 
obtained by means of an evaluation of scale parameter (by 
using methods appearing in [Vil02]). 
Furthermore, it is possible to observe small variations in 
background giving us a better understanding of depth. The 
artificial model is linked to a discrete version of traditional 
human perception, where graduations are usually continuous 
and more slower. 
Some advantages for the developed artificial system are the 
following ones: it is possible to give a explicit description of 
unfolding and  regrouping processes involving to the 
background (including watershed effects in the ground or sky, 
e.g.), and, mainly, it is possible to include an artificial analogue 
to the role played by depth planes. In this case, depth planes are 
linked not to architectural elements (as it is usual in 3D 
Reconstruction), but to a colour segmentation with supports an 
optical and metric information. 
The analysis for small variations of lightening and small 
motions in forest is similar, but including now reinforced 
variations of colour. These reinforced variations are supported 
in this case on a distance map able of reproducing small effects 
such as leaves frightening or more coarse variations, depending 
on the parameters selection. In this way, we obtain an adaptive 
approach to a more realistic perception, nevertheless the 
reduction accompanying any segmentation task. 
In this work we have sketched some general principles for a 
hybrid, hierarchised and multilayered approach to video 
segmentation. A feedback between low- and high- level 
processing is revealed as a guide to combine accurate results 
based on local histograms with meaningful regions. 
Segmentation is performed in a semiautomatic way on a 5D 
space which is managed by using a binary tree search. 
Centroids of segmented regions provide sites for a generalized 
Voronoi diagram. 
Distance maps are introduced for supporting the identification, 
evaluation and tracking of meaningful regions. The average 
between consecutive frames allows us to extend traditional 
accurate spatial methods to a coarse but reliable approach to the 
segmentation problem. 
Some standing issues where more accurate results would be 
convenient concern to exploiting the duality sketched between 
the structure of boundaries and the extended Voronoi diagram, 
linked to centroids, the analysis of optimal clustering functions 
for regions matching, the comparison of coarse live results with 
finer results corresponding to 2" order differential spatio- 
temporal operators (D’Alembertian of a Gaussian) linked to 
mobile data. Further applications to contents retrieval and 
tracking in video sequences are currently in development. 

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