Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

nbul 2004 
the graph. 
chosen by 
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ities, such 
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2) — how 
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ot) knows 
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s and their 
more than 
que branch 
new iden- 
r voxels in 
f the scene 
thm needs 
t will find 
it root. All 
ling has to 
ation algo- 
he bottom 
e an unas- 
farted with 
voxels in- 
r that tree. 
ned voxels 
ed compo- 
cing skele- 
ponent La- 
ly. Subse- 
| sets, such 
an be seg- 
> sorted ac- 
to different 
ponents do 
s of noise. 
n a certain 
y trees and 
th a unique 
| voxels ac- 
| by raster 
he problem 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Usually this is a feature space, and the purpose is to find those À 
records in a database that are most similar to a query specifica- 
tion; the number of considered attributes specifies the dimension- 
In our case the space is Euclidian with just 3 dimensions. The 
skeleton provides the data base, and we need only 1 neighbor 
(skeleton voxel) in each query (tree voxel). In this way all tree 
voxels will be labeled (Fig. 7). 
Figure 7: Segmentation. Left: segmented skeleton; right: seg- 
mented voxel space 
3.8 Point cloud segmentation 
Finally, we use once again the routine that originally transferred 
all the laser points into the voxel space. This time the purpose is 
to see into which voxel each laser point would be transferred, in 
order to assign the voxel's label to the point (Fig. 8). 
In a rather straightforward fashion we transferred a carefully cho- 
sen selection of basic and advanced 2D raster (image) processing 
algorithms into the 3D domain. The result is a flexible set of 
tools, which we applied to segment a terrestrial laser data set of a 
scene in a forest according to the individual tree branches. 
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E 4 
$ ^ 
^ "P 
+, Led * 
Figure 8: Point cloud segmentation. Left: segmented skeleton; 
right: detail 
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