Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 Intern 
For the calibration of the camera, 9 images of the test field from NITIDIS Ru ehe Ini xi exterk 
different positions have been used. For wide-angle status of the ] eese | unekrm9 ene ener needei 
camera, 30 of 106 control points and for the narrow-angle status 
4 of 90 control points have been selected as tie points. MikroMeter(dR) May Mako By ph 
is measu 
Narrow-angle Wide-angle of the 
Number of images 9 9 Mx y 
= : itin 
Number of total points 90 106 Ge 
; TE. HAIE using . 
Number of tie points 4 30 0n — bz ris ere = 
; : Ü MÀ 2 64 352 440 
Number of control points 86 76 a : 
s NO At the 
- ; 4310 ee menti 
Number of Measurements 1432 1806 UN 
UNKNOWNS : ms m : 
Exterior Orientation parameters 54 (6*9) 54 (6*9) S 
Tie point coordinates 12 (3*4) 90 (3*30) = 
Aull hom parameters s (1*10) ed 10) Figure 6. Radial distortion curve of wide-angle status 
_4Systamic Errors of the Camera = ini x 
Degree of freedom 1356 1652 Jal oe : A | m 
| close v| den m IT | The p 
Table 1. Characteristics of the adjustment for the wide-angle eu 
status of Olympus Camedia C-4040 a idm er Softw 
+168 contro 
At the end of the adjustment, following additional parameters Lp e us T 
about calibration has been reached. T ed ang 
«108.4 Ui the or 
m i > 
Narrow-angle Wide-angle Je” reduce 
Focal Length 20.700859 mm | 7.231573 mm. — n P 
: S SEXT = = mort out MiliMeter(R) tools 
Principal Point (x0) 0.135214 mm 0.024380 mm. 00 — RT = € d M S 
inci i 0.163940 mm -0.053714 > ; 
Principal Point (y0) Un et In thi: 
Radial Distortion (K1) 0.000210 -0.004906 : S to be 
Radial Distortion (K2) 0.000006 0.000080 E as wel 
n > 
Radial Distortion (K3) 0.000000 0.000001 E 
7 ; ; = T 
Decentric Distortion (P1) 0.000116 0.000051 e as 
Decentric Distortion (P2) 0.000109 -0.000069 
Affinity (B1) 0.000041 0.000160 
Shear (B2) 0.000028 0.000031 
Figure 7. Total distortion curves along predefined directions 
(red: x-axis; green: y-axis) 
MEET ee = 10x] 
Grid Size 
A | d Size 
Ci page 35 i 
5 440 micron ; 
close | V : Ë 
For photogrammetric evaluation, Pictran software has been 
used. Exterior orientation of the aerial imagery was 
unproblematic due to the position of the camera (almost 
vertical) and the coordinate accuracy of control point. The 
control points have been measured with 2-3 mm accuracy in X, 
Y and -4 mm. in Z direction. The geometric accuracy of 
evaluation results for aerial images was about 4 cm. 
Exterior orientation was fine also because of the geometric Fig 
accuracy of control points and their distribution over the 
images. Using only the ground control points, exterior 
orientation was already fine but some tie points have been 
measured for getting better stabilization in the acro- 
triangulation. Evalu 
Difficulty of this study was the exterior orientation of terrestrial photo, 
images. In some parts of the study area, the images had to be photo 
taken very closed to the object of interest. That caused, that the posit 
Figure 5. Distortion of wide-angle status (red: current distorted single image covers a small area. Therefore many control points differ 
image, blue: ideal undistorted image) on the facades had to be measured. Nearby, the obliquity of the intere: 
photos forced some additional problems. In that case, the 

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