Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

B5. Istanbul 2004 
r block geometry 
impression of the 
inates attached to 
images had to be 
not be recognized 
the targets were 
adjustment was 
10t used, because 
tortion free. The 
orrect coordinate 
the comparison 
shown in Figures 
accuracy in depth 
curacy. It can be 
leformations. The 
limetres from the 
n on the top left 
f the deformation 
in was 10.9 mm. 
ct coordinates are 
rmation vector in 
units in the graph 
is better than the 
Because the lens distortions may be tens or hundreds of pixels 
on the edges of the images, camera calibration is essential in the 
creation of seamless panoramic image mosaics, especially if 
they are meant for measurement purposes. Deviations, like 1 
mm, in the concentricity cause visible deformations to the 
image if the imaged object is close to the camera and not planar. 
Visually the camera can be adjusted to a correct place with the 
accuracy of some tenths of a millimetre. Also, the stitching 
order is important. The images should be combined 
symmetrically and according to the size of the overlap area to 
force the mosaic structure strong. 
This study is part of the Spherical Imaging project funded by 
the Academy of Finland. 
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