Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
fast access to all information. The utility of this simple method can then activate one item. The second part of the interface 
of publication is to allow a fast awareness and a simple contains all information on one activated item. This second 
overview of the results. For a more advanced use, SVG 
: ; ; part depends on the type of item and gathers 
publication of the results is also possible. 
photogrammetric information, measurements but also 
e a characteristics defined by the archaeologists or any other 
a» ~ ^"^ D > : = : . E = ; : 
d 45 SVG Publication expert. The first advantage of this interface of SVG 
Ww a, i Nh cit : 
m F t (Scalable Vector Graphics) is 1l dard of d visualization is that all actors of the survey can check the 
i ; Format (Scalable Vector Graphics) is stat of the . 
n SVG M = C ^ Gi ç ) ed he coherence of the data. Indeed, the photogrammetrist can check 
ch: 3 > publication of graphic interfaces. BE € ; 
d wc ES CT AOR d ic : p 5 ees li Is GER the points measured on the photographs, whereas the 
> ased o , is visible thanks to a specific visualization too ; - 
sa ns s f t : pee ie: ud zn 2 ? archaeologist can check the coherence of the data suitable for 
in € ve or many operating systems and fre sable. ; 
NN developed for many operstims systems £ recly usable. For —— item (natural, observations...). 
data specification and example you can visit the web site (SVG, 
hese 2 SVG file is a file in XML containing informati > ; au. : ; 
hese 2001). A SVG file 7 nf ü MI ; ven à m BHO ef At the technical level, the use of this interface requires a Web 
the i ye rical informati in Pad iy : 
the all Km Someta né o n M nad lta is am browser and a SVG plug-in (for example the Adobe one). This 
ation with whic em em m EN . m ir , Ks es ue interface is thus convenient. Moreover, although being a format 
use. used to prov « 2 a st eve m m e a he UST. WE id of representation rather heavy, the performances of SVG 
about ed exe amar E LU, UT ea C Noose interfaces are very satisfactory, even for important surveys. It is 
formation a ut e Qut possibilities o meo Ni also possible, thanks to the two modes of publication of the 
> interface of /isualizé is in two parts. st pe ; te ey 
EBENEN OL SV ae sm Po pant gus part present results, to have an automatic web publication of the 
three gathers the photographs used for the photogrammetric results! 
vey statement. The points raised for each measured item are shown 
jility on these photographs. By selecting a group of points, the user 
es it 
ut of E Reiter - Microsoft Internet Explo 218i xj 
m a Fie Modfica Visualzza  Prefenü Stnument ? Ad: = 
from C3indero * Gi T x) D AA Cerca Freferti QJ Multimeda 4L wol ii iw (o dd + 
dium EN d d QI ; a # . + us Ht, 2 
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sting Í : 
file, i 
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Panse 54 date Thu Apr 08 11:34:33 CES 
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X 2858 11 CREEL We li4 MODI 2*0 $68 A 
Y 2480.03 F PER 2461 720 2700 731 938669 | 
i Zz 1270.57 F "IR 2348 $23 2508 «18 922 357 
Is to Omega 343606 F 0053 2338.059 2946 880. 320 042 
data Phi 2.2782 f 908 4 2482 330 1063 694 27 538 
i Kappa 3.15823 F PER à 26160.453 2919. 338 537 337 + 
plies ; 
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o type d mass 2.9 
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tootDiemeter 2.0 
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ation volume ; 
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tains To SU CRANES am; 5 F PER 
. bE RL BF E30 3 04 F PER J { 
third ta 10 ven aaa F PER 3 B95 965 657 687 0 76: 
the f f2gynyaxcin F PER 4 1089 C50 502.226 0 81. 
2 3 Qo fie SOHO ARIAS F PER $ 1253 600 708 600 -1 OC 
and fa IS JED RASE AA Pr FF ENN KX t4 AQ 273 GE* n Qi wi 
style i oen m = 
XSL il | ^43 Risorse del computer 
e the Figure 3. Automatic SVG file generation showing both amphorae fragments and linked data. 
y for Experimentation made on the underwater “Cala Rossa” archacological excavation in Corsica, France. 
WS a 

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