Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
projects. In few months these data will be free for all Brazilian 
Since the launched of CBERS the EDUCA SeRe PROJECT III 
was adapted to develop image-maps using CBERS-CCD data. 
Two image-maps series was created: Brazilian cities series, and 
Brazilian state capitals cities series. 
Figure l. CBERS/CCD Image-map of Porto Alegre city, Rio 
Grande do Sul state capital, Brazil. 
Up to now three Brazilian cities image-maps (Foz do Iguacu, 
Cachoeira Paulista and Sdo Leopoldo) and six Brazilian state 
capitals cities image maps (Brasília, Belo Horizonte, Cuiabá, 
Manaus, Natal and Porto Alegre), were developed. 
This project has also developed, in partnership with INPE 
Image Generation Division, six CBERS/IRMSS Brazilian state 
mosaics (Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Sáo Paulo, 
Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio-Sáo Paulo Corridor) and one 
CBERS/CCD Mosaic (Rio Grande do Norte). 
imagens CBERS/IRMSS 
atado dà Roo Grande 05 Bet 
Mosaico de es 
Figure 2. Rio Grande do Sul State CBERS/IRMSS Mosaic. 
Besides, INPE has given training courses for schools teachers 
about the use of this educational material in classroom. More 
then 150-school teachers trained by INPE. This is a three days 
long course where the schools teachers have to attend lectures 
about fundamentals of remote sensing, satellite systems, image 
interpretation, cartography and GPS, field work activities, 
remote sensing applications and how to use the images in 
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Figure 3. Exercise about image interpretation in the 
course, in UNISINOS facilities. 
2.1 The EDUCA SeRe Project III in UNISINOS 
In 2003 INPE Space Education and Communication Area and 
the UNISINOS Geology Post-Graduation Program and the 
Digital Cartography and Remote Sensing Laboratory- 
LASERCA have decide to develop together a Pilot Project with 
geography grammar and high schools teachers from Porto 
Alegre metropolitan area and Sinos river valley area, Rio 
Grande do Sul State, where UNISINOS is located. 
The main objective of this project is to qualify and encourage 
the schools teachers to use remote sensing data (LANDSAT, 
CBERS) and GIS techniques (SPRING and TERRAView- 
INPE free softwares) as educational material for geography 
Considering the National Curricula for 
Geography the project goals are: 
To show to the geography teachers the potentiality of 
remote sensing data and GIS techniques as educational 
resource in classroom; 
Through the use of remote sensing data and GIS 
techniques in classroom to become the geography 
discipline more attractive for the students; 
To qualify the geography teachers to develop classroom 
activities using remote sensing data and GIS techniques; 
With the help of geography teachers to search for new 
methodologies to use remote sensing data and GIS 
techniques as educational material. 
For this Pilot Project INPE has developed two image-maps 
(Porto Alegre and Sáo Leopoldo) and the Rio Grande do Sul 
state mosaic. One thousand and two hundred copies of each 
image-map were printed, from this amount five hundred and 
forty copies were distributed to the schools that took part in the 
Pilot Project. The other six hundred and sixty copies were 
distributed to the community and others schools in the region. 
UNISINOS has funded the image-maps printer services. 
All the additional satellite images used by the schools during 
the project were provided by INPE (CBERS, LANDSAT, 
NOAA and GOES). Besides, the school teachers have learned 
how to search and to get satellite images from internet. 
The Educa SeRe Project has a homepage where the school 
teachers could find texts about remote sensing, cartography and 
: image-maps about the Brazilian state capitals and mosaics about 
the Brazilian states.

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