Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
t4 StereoDigitalizador v1.2. (Cir, ama prueba.bin) E 
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Figure 7. On-line orthorectification (working with OrtoMotor module) 
All the feature extraction modules include the necessary tools 
for the data collection (point, line, polygon and text entities). 
Each vector element has associated a code that allows 
grouping the different types of elements that have been 
captured and the color and width are automatically assigned. 
The color and width configurations can be configured by the 
The system includes several assistant tools that allow the 
drawing of basic elements (arc, perpendicular to a determined 
line, 3 point circle, 3 point rectangle, ...). Two different 
options can be used in the capture of linear elements, the 
discrete mode (point to point) or the continuous mode 
(continuous line), also the system incorporate several snap 
utilities (automatic or semiautomatic) in order to guarantee a 
correct connection between elements. 
It is possible to associated alphanumeric information 
(attributes) to the captured features in order to use this 
information in Geographical Information Systems. 
There are several necessary tools for modification and edition 
of the captured features (figure 7): 
- Delete element 
- Recover deleted element 
- Move element 
- Copy element 
- Edit vertex (linear or polygon features) 
= Edit text 
- Edit Attributes 
- Partial deletion of linear or polygon features 
- Break elements 
- Find text 
- Element information query 
- Code element change 
All the measurement and edition tools allow for the automatic 
movement of the visualization image position, when the 
cursor is near to the edge of the display, the image will be re- 
centered. The speed cursor is also configurable. 
The visualization of the vector information can be 
activated/deactivated according to the associated code. The 
system also includes several tools for checking topology of 
the extracted features, such as, for example, code and 
attributes verification, dangle nodes, ... . All the vector and 
alphanumerical information that it is collected with this 
system can be exported to other formats. 
The end user license agreement is not based on the traditional 
system in which the licenses are associated with a particular 
computer and are autonomous. 
In this case the software is associated to a determined project 
and it is supplied to the final user (in a CD or via Internet) 
that includes the project images and associated orientation or 
registration data. There can be as many users as needed for 
the particular project. The basic licensing concept is project 
associated license and can be duplicated in many computers 
as the user needs. 
The license includes the personification according to the 
specific uses or needs to the user or project. Only those 
characteristics that the user really needs will be supplied in 
the program.

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