Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
This infrastructure basically supports the standardized access to 
geodata via web-services, as well as the adequate portrayal of 
this data. 
Charactensbes e Display 
4 Image : Image Format 
Image Corstraints 
5 * Render 
a Display Raster/ Vector 
Elements Descriptions 
Style Display 
A Features 
; , OpenGIS Specification 
( fur Simple Features 
Query Constraints » Filter 
Figure 3: Cuthbert’s Portrayal Model — reference for the 
visualisation pipeline (cp. May et al., 2003; Fitzke, 
J. & K. Greve, 2002) 
3.2.1 Available Data, Data Formats, Metadata and Data 
The (vector) data are stored in a database (Postgis, Oracle). The 
description of the data is stored in a meta-database. As the 
meta-database a software developed by the Department for 
Environment in Lower  Saxony  (^Niedersüchsisches 
Umweltministerium") is used (http://www.udk-gein.de/). This 
catalog-software  (Umweltdatenkatalog — UDK) stores 
information such as spatial reference, scale, quality, capturing 
method, if necessary temporal reference, data type, availability 
as well as keywords in a database and performs spatial- and 
keyword-based search. 
At the moment the meta-database does not conform to a 
standard for describing geographic data. However from the next 
version (UDK 5.0 — to be released this summer) the catalogue 
software will accord to ISO/TC 211-19115, standard for 
metadata and to ISO/TC 211-19119, standard for services. 
The idea is to connect this meta-information catalogue to the 
database storing the geodata to allow meta-information-based 
selection of the geodata. 
By using the meta-database's search-feature the data associated 
to a keyword or an area may be identified and queried from the 
database. Querying the desired geodata from the database is 
accomplished by a Web Feature Server (WFS), such as the 
Open-Source product Geoserver 
(http://geoserver.sourceforge.net/html/index.php, OGC, 2002b). 
By adding query constraints (e.g. by specifying filters) this 
process corresponds to the filter-process visualized in Fig. 3. 
The. Geoserver-WFS delivers data in GML 2.1.2. The 
Geography Markup Language is an XML-based language. It 
was developed for transport and storage of geographic 
information, including both the geometry and properties of 
geographic features (OGC, 2002a). 
Due to the fact that the GML-specification is concerned with 
the OGC Simple Features (OGC, 1999) the features’ geometry 
properties is restricted to ‘simple’, such as point, curve, 
linestring/line/linear ring, surface and polygon. However unlike 
the Simple Feature Specification, GML allows for 3D 
coordinates, but it does not directly support 3D geometry 
constructs (Dorninger, P., 2003). 
3.2.2 Data presentation in 2D and 3D 
GML is not concerned with visualization of the data. There is 
the possibility to add a Web Map Service (WMS), such as 
Geoserver WMS, which delivers the data in terms of raster 
maps, so no concern about visualizing the GML delivered by 
WFS becomes necessary. However, following the aim to have 
direct influence on visualization, like using special style or 
displaying distinct data, selected by attributes in a special way, 
as well as adding further functionality, the visualization process 
must developed individually. 
Due to the fact that GML is an XML-description for geodata, it 
may be transformed — like other kinds of XML-schema — into a 
25029 COUT Fire available data 
META- ' | 
DATABASE te uri 
|! — SERVLET-  *«—4 
i Reauest His. Didecision: i) 
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p ee ee Hert a 1 
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DATABASE :]o-d.] sto pelli ur 78 
ns any further DOM- or 
Gener Ee SAX-processing ^" 
; A Style/s (XSL) 
Y Y 
» » GML » XSLT 
TT TS Te AT 1 
SVG | : 
[-—P "viewer ! 
| rom mom 2 4 
Figure 1: Architecture for the web-based geodata-infrastructure 

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