Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

-— — NIS 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 13. Rectangle detection 
Figure 14. Building prismatic models projected over the 
original digital imagery 
The students can learn some of the automatic methodologies 
used in Digital Photogrammetry, in a practical way using these 
open systems. Thus, the automatic processes implemented in 
the digital photogrammetric workstations become open 
processes that allow the analyses the input data, the detailed 
methods, the partial and final results. Through these systems it 
is possible to obtain a complete knowledge of the processes that 
allow to a student perform an adequate analysis of the results 
and errors in its future professional labour. 
Baltsavias E., Mason S. Stalmann D., 1995. Use of 
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In: A. Gruen O. Kuebler, P. Augouris (eds.). Automatic 
Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space 
Images, Birkháuser, 1995, Monte Veritá, pp.199-210. 
Cruz S. Cardenal L, Delgado J., 2000. "A program for 
Automatic Inter Orientation of Digitized non metric images (35 
and 70 mm)". /n: International Archives of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam, 
Holland, pp. 149-156. 
Duda, R. And Hart, P. E., 1973. Pattern Classification and 
Scene Analysis, Ed. Wiley. 
Gerke, M. Heipke, C. and Straub, B., 2001. Building 
Extraction From Aerial Imagery Using a Generic Scene Model 
and Invariant Geometric Moments. Proceedings of the 
IEEE/ISPRS joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data 
Fusion over Urban Areas, November 8-9" 2001, University of 
Pavia, Rome (Italy), pp. 85-89. 
Hough, P., 1962. Methods and Means for Recognizing Complex 
Patterns, US Patent 3069654. 
Schenk, T., 1999. Digital Photogrammetry. Volume I. 
Background, Fundamentals, Automatic Orientation Procedures. 
TerraScience, Laurelville, Ohio , pp. 319-353. 
This work is part of the research activities of the "Sistemas 
Fotogramétricos y Topométricos” (Photogrammetric and 
Topometric Systems) Research Group of the University of Jaén 
(Andalusian Regional Research Program). 

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