Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
e reliability, since new systems allow for a very low number of ground control 
e geometric quality of spatial data acquisition 
e DEM quality 
and to encourage transfer of research results obtained in this field from academia to the public 
and private sector. 
Commission 2: Image Analysis and Information Extraction 
Its mission is to explore, demonstrate, and further develop the applicability of image analysis methods 
for automatically extracting and updating geo-spatial data from images and collateral information with 
special emphasis on: 
e Information content of multi-spectral, multi-sensor, multi-resolution, and multi-temporal 
e Methods and algorithms for automated acquisition of geo-spatial data and the description of 
data quality; 
e Methodology for the integrated acquisition and update of geo-spatial data from imagery and 
collateral information. 
Commission 3: Production Systems and Processes 
Its mission is to evaluate, demonstrate and further develop production systems and processes for 
handling geo-spatial information by closely incorporating private industries in these OEEPE activities. 
Special points of interest are: 
e Evaluating and when applicable testing problem solutions from industry for Integrated 
geometric/semantic) data provision processes, with special emphasis on 3D core data, data base 
integration, data quality and performance (time, cost, flexibility) of integrated data provision 
e Encouraging private industries to contribute to OEEPE activities with mutual benefits like: 
e Supporting the standardization for data exchange of sensor data, geometric data and semantic data 
Commission 4: Core Geospatial Databases 
Its mission is to investigate, evaluate and document the development of geospatial databases for 
storing and maintaining national core/framework data. This includes related data management 
research topics in extending the capability of such databases such as: 
e developing 3D data models and datasets 
e linking 3" party data, 
e developing the temporal component of spatial data models and 
e deriving smaller scale datasets/products from the definitive database. 
Commission 5: Integration and Delivery of Data and Services 
Its mission is to investigate, evaluate and document developments in the technologies for the 
integration and delivery of all forms of geospatial information, including information derived from 
imagery. Major themes are the impact of the Internet and related technologies such as XML, the shift 
to service-based architectures and the use of object models for information. 

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