Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
industry and users like national mapping agencies joined the 
2.2 Objectives 
The objective of this Digital Camera Calibration project is two- 
— Collection of publicly available material on digital airborne 
camera calibration to compile an extensive report 
describing the current practice and methods (Phase 1). 
— Empirical testing with focus on the development of 
commonly accepted procedure(s) for airborne camera 
calibration and testing, based on the experiences and 
advice of individual experts (Phase 2). 
As a result of Phase 1 a report will be compiled based on the 
support of all project participants, i.e. camera producers and 
users. Such summary will help to create a common knowledge 
base for the formulation of future strategies and later 
experimental work in Phase 2. This status report is helpful for 
digital camera system users to gain their experience with digital 
camera calibration aspects. Furthermore, this report should list 
open problems which need to be solved. All participants of the 
first initiate meeting welcome the idea, that this report is open 
to producers, users and customers. 
The second phase should focus on the development of 
commonly accepted procedure(s) for camera calibration and 
testing. It seems to be necessary to concentrate on some of the 
technical aspects in a sequential order, starting with geometrical 
aspects and verification in a limited number of test flights by 
different camera producers and discussion on radiometric and 
image quality aspects. One aspect is the design for optimal 
calibration flight procedures to be tested then empirically. 
Another aspect is a collection of recommendations of producers 
on how customers should calibrate and do the processing. It 
requires a fine definition of goals which should not lead to 
direct comparisons of cameras, but to individual 
recommendations for each major camera type. The definition of 
goals and the design of empirical tests has to be discussed based 
on the report compiled in Phase |. 
It has to be mentioned that the project itself will focus on the 
calibration of digital airborne camera systems only. The 
combination of LIDAR and imaging sensors is not considered 
since this is a registration and no calibration problem. 
3.1 Definitions 
Before focussing on the topic “Digital Camera Calibration” by 
presenting the applied methods for three digital systems, the 
general aspects of traditional camera calibration as mentioned in 
the Manual of Photogrammetry (Slama 1980) are briefly cited 
in the following: 
— Camera calibration is the process, whereby the geometric 
aspects of an individual camera are determined. 
- [tis performed in the order that the photo obtained with the 
camera is used to produce maps, two allow measurements, 
whereby ground distances or elevations can be obtained 
and to make orthophotos. 
— lt is possible to perform calibration to some order on any 
camera, but the cameras used to obtain the most accurate 
geometric data are specially designed for that purpose 
(namely high-quality lenses, usually at infinity focus). 
High-quality includes both well defined images and 
accurate positioning of the image, large aperture possible 
without introducing excessive distortions, special 
geometric features like fiducials for determining a 
‘coordinate system and for controlling the film behaviour. 
— Calibration assumes, that the thing being calibrated is 
stable between calibrations. 
— Calibrated values and their accuracy are reported in a 
camera calibration certificate with tables and graphs. 
Although most of these definitions are generally valid for all 
types of cameras (i.e. analogue and digital), some remarks 
should be given related to digital sensors: As already mentioned 
the multi-spectral capability is one of the major selling points 
for the new digital sensors, hence the calibrations should not 
only be restricted to the geometric aspects but to the radiometry 
part also. Traditional calibration only focuses on the geometry 
task. The photo interpretation application, which obviously is of 
increasing future importance, is not considered — especially 
when thinking on the small to medium format digital sensors 
non dedicated for airborne use but increasingly used to obtain 
fast and coloured images for applications in monitoring of land 
use changes, disaster and risk assessment, forestry and others 
like real estate search and promotion or tourism. Additionally, 
those sensors are not specially designed for highest accuracy 
evaluation which directly covers the point of stability between 
calibrations. Finally, there is no definition or standard on how 
the calibrations should be documented. 
Since there are different techniques to perform camera 
calibration the Manual of Photogrammetry (Slama 1980) 
divides between two basic methods. Their difference is due to 
the fact, whether the reference values for calibration are 
presented in object or image space: 
— Present an array of targets at known angles to a camera 
which records their images. The targets may be optical 
stars (simulating infinite targets) or terrain targets imaged 
from towers, aircraft or ground. The recorded images are 
measured and the data reduced from the measurements 
provide the elements of interior orientation. Many physical 
controls are necessary. 
— Clamp a master grid in the focal plane, measure the 
observed angles in object space using a visual or 
goniometer technique. The distortion is computed from the 
focal length and the difference between the image and 
object angles. 
The parameters of interior orientation are closely related to 
camera calibration, since a camera is signed as calibrated if the 
parameters of interior orientation are mathematically defined, 
— Focal length f, 
— coordinates of principle point x, and y, and 
— geometric distortion characteristics of the lens system, i.c. 
symmetric radial distortions, asymmetric distortions caused 
by lens decentering. 
No matter of the applied method, the accuracy of camera 
calibration depends on the quality of known geometry of targets 
being viewed from the camera. This is the reason for the 
complex and costly equipment used for laboratory calibration 
3.2 Laboratory calibration 
From classical photogrammetric point of view the laboratory 
calibration is the standard methodology used for analogue 
airborne frame sensors. The results of such lab calibrations are 
documented in the well known calibration certificates. In order 
to verify the validity of calibration parameters, this calibration is 
repeated within certain time intervals, typically each two years. 

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