Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV , Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
arrays with geometric characteristics similar to a film camera, 
and line scanners using linear arrays with a different geometry. 
Five different digital sensors are considered here, two multi-line 
scanners (ADS40, HRSC), two multi-lens frame cameras 
(DMC, UltraCamD) and one-lens camera (DSS). 
The Leica Geosystems ADS40 Airborne Digital Sensor was 
developed in co-operation with the German Aerospace Centre 
(DLR) in Berlin using an extended three-line concept. A verti- 
cal panchromatic (465 — 680 nm) image is obtained using two 
linear CCDs each having 12000 6.5 um large pixels; an offset 
of 3.25 um yields a useable length of 24000x3.25 jim = 78 mm. 
A lens angle of 64? translates into a focal length of 62.8 mm. 
The camera achieves stereo capability by means of two 
additional single linear CCDs taking panchromatic images, one 
looking forward 28.4? and one looking backward 14.29, the 
look angle difference of 42.6? corresponds to that of a normal 
angle aerial film camera with c = 305 mm. The data transfer 
rate from the CCDs is up to 800 Hz; combining this with a 
(minimum) aircraft speed of 370 km/h = 200 knots = 102.8 
m/sec yields a (smallest) pixel size on the ground of 15x15 ¢cm?, 
a (minimum) swath width of 3600 m, a (lowest) flying height 
above ground of 2880 m (9449") and a (largest) image scale of 1 
in 46154. Smaller ground pixel sizes and larger image scales 
can be achieved by using slower aircraft; it has been reported 
that one owner uses the camera routinely at a flying height of 
1500 m yielding an image scale of 1 in 30769 and a swath 
width of 2.4 km. In addition to the panchromatic arrays, three 
linear arrays located at 14.2? off nadir are used to capture blue 
(430 — 490 nm), green (535 — 585 nm) and red (610 — 660 nm) 
images with perfect co-registration. One near infrared line (835 
— 885 nm) located at 2? off nadir is also provided. 
The HRCS High Resolution Stereo Camera was originally de- 
veloped for (failed) Mars missions by the Institute of Planetary 
Exploration of the German Aerospace Centre DLR in Berlin- 
Adlershof. First experiments were carried out with an airborne 
version (HRSC-A) in early 1997; their success prompted the 
further development (HRSC-AX). A vertical panchromatic (520 
— 760 nm) image is obtained using one linear CCD having 
12000 6.5 um large pixels yielding a useable length of 78 mm. 
A focal length of 150 mm translates into lens angle of 29°. The 
camera achieves stereo capability by means of two additional 
single linear CCDs taking panchromatic images, one looking 
forward 20.5? and one looking backward 20.5°, the look angle 
difference of 41° corresponds to that of a normal angle aerial 
film camera with ¢ = 305 mm. A shortest exposure time of 0.6 
msec and an aircraft speed of 300 km/h = 162 knots = 83.3 
m/sec yield a (smallest) pixel size on the ground of 5:15 cm?, a 
(minimum) swath width of 600 m, a (lowest) flying height 
above ground of 1153 m (3786') and a (largest) image scale of 1 
in 7692. In addition to the panchromatic arrays, two linear 
arrays located at +2.3° and -2.3° off nadir are used to capture 
green (530 — 570 nm) and red (635 — 685 nm), and two linear 
arrays located at +4.6° and -4.6° off nadir are used to capture 
blue (450 — 510 nm), and near infrared (770 — 810 nm) images. 
The camera includes two further panchromatic arrays located at 
* 12.0? and at -12.0? enabling 5-line stereo evaluation in critical 
The DMC from Z/I Imaging uses four CCD arrays of 7168x 
4096 pixels? (probably Philips Icam28, 111x86 mn», pixel size 
12x12 jum?, readout time 2 sec/frame, 12 bit radiometric reso- 
lution) to take high-resolution panchromatic images; the four 
images with slightly diverging optical axes are afterwards com- 
bined to one image with 13824x7680 pixels? (Fig. 1). The lar- 
ger dimension of the 166x92 mm? image area is oriented per- 
pendicular to the flight direction. A focal length c = 120 mm 
results in a field of view of 69.3° perpendicular to and of 42° in 
flying direction, the latter corresponds to that of a normal angle 
aerial film camera with c = 305 mm. A maximum frame rate of 
two images per second allows extremely large image scales; 
hence, rather small pixels can be obtained. In addition to the 
four panchromatic cameras, four cameras with arrays of 
3072x2046 pixels capture blue (400 — 580 nm ?), green (500 - 
650 nm ?), red (590 — 675 nm ?) and near infrared (675 — 850 
nm ?) images using a focal length of c = 25 mm. Hence, the 
pixel size ratio pan to colour amounts to 1 to 4.75. 
The UltraCamD from Vexcel Imaging uses nine CCD arrays of 
4008x2672 pixel? (pixel size 9x9 un^, readout time 1.3 sec per 
frame, 12 bit radiometric resolution) to take high-resolution 
“synoptic” panchromatic images through four lenses in flight 
direction with slightly diverging axes and small time delays; the 
images are afterwards combined to one image with 11500x7500 
pixels? (Fig. 2). The larger dimension of the 103.5x67.5 mm? 
image area is oriented perpendicular to the flight direction. A 
focal length ¢ = 100 mm results in a field of view of 55° 
perpendicular to and of 37° in flying direction. A maximum 
frame rate of 1.3 images per second allows extremely large 
image scales; hence, rather small pixels can be obtained. In 
addition to the four panchromatic cameras, four cameras with 
arrays of 4008x2672 pixels capture blue, green, red and near 
infrared images using a focal length of c = 28 mm. 
The DSS Digital Sensor System from Applanix is a ready-to- 
use, directly geo-referenced, medium format, airborne digital 
sensor using a single three-colour CCD array of 4077x4092 
pixels?. À focal length c = 55 mm (optional 35 mm) results in a 
field of view of 37°, the latter nearly corresponds to that of a 
normal angle aerial film camera with c = 305 mm. The DSS is 
available as true-colour or as false-colour version. In the latter 
case, the filters integrated into the sensor form a basic 2x2 ma- 
trix: one element sees infrared (720 — 920 nm) radiation, two 
elements see green (510 — 600 nm) and infrared radiation and 
one element sees red (600 — 720 nm) and infrared radiation. 
The extended area of the confluence of the Elbe and Mulde 
rivers was selected as project area. This area was subject to 
extended flooding in August 2002 resulting from almost con- 
current extremely high water levels of both rivers. The damages 
to valuable vegetation partly non-native to Germany were high. 
At this time the lack of available digital terrain data with 
sufficient point density and elevation accuracy to predict the 
effects of further water level rises and of dam breakages be- 
came apparent. Expectations to gain financial support for the 
project from the state government of Saxony-Anhalt were not 
This area is part of the UNESCO biosphere Mid-Elbe which 
contains the largest floodplain forest in central Europe. Bio- 
sphere reserves are large-scale, representative sites of natural 
and cultural landscapes. They are not simply schemes to protect 
the environment but model concepts of conservation, de- 
velopment and management are developed under the UNESCO 
Man-and-Biosphere program. 

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