2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004
ccess 4. RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES implementations of GML, with position
ders. statements from experts and several vendors.
1ared 4.1 EuroSDR Track Record o A key outcome was a better understanding of the
'd on role of GML as a GI communication language,
EuroSDR has a comprehensive track record over its 50 years of
operation. This has included some very significant projects such increasing adoption.
as the aerial triangulation testbed, though such projects have © A report of the workshop will be found in official
tended been the exception rather than the rule. In recent years publication No: 42
workshops have become a more popular way of addressing
issues. The benefit of focussing on a current issue has been
helpful in sharing knowledge from several organisations over
an intensive 2-3 days and in:
i.e. not specifically as a transfer format, and its
Next Generation Spatial Data Bases
o Held in Southampton in Spring 2002 and inspired
by a glimpse of the possible future underpinned
by 'grid' technology this workshop brought
together database experts and industry to share
plans in managing the migration from digital
mapping to geographic information over the next
3-5 years.
© A common strategy is to move to a database
centric approach (rather than flat files) while
separating the master maintenance database from
the publishing database servers.
o The outcome is reported in the official
publication No: 45
* Better understanding the topic
* . Quickly gaining a European perspective
* Analysing alternative approaches — and determining
o what works
o what has not worked
e Raising awareness
e Sharing knowledge
* Influencing strategy
* Convergence towards a common vision
* Building a network of GI experts across Europe
The workshops are normally written up and published along
' the with the presentations and distributed to the attendees within a Spatial Data Quality Management
the few weeks. This material is then reformatted and published in à
the next available official EuroSDR publication. o This workshop, held in Istanbul in spring 2002,
heard how NMCAs are managing data quality,
ions 42 Recent Workshops the use of standards and in particular the interface
has d eu with contractors now supporting NMCAs in
nain Recent workshops, which are of relevance to EuroSpec over the severabamas of data collectica and maintenance.
kist four yearsyincfude: o The meeting reinforced the view that in a
database centric world the issue of data quality is
NMA and the Internet of increasing importance and requires more
: ; attention.
v Workshop Re n ue SNS © A compendium of the papers is included in the
2000, reviewed the state of the art in the use of official publication No: 45
the Internet by NMCAs with presentations from a
global perspective, European NMCAs and Visualisation and Rendering
industry-GI vendors. >
o The workshop was successful in influencing the o The workshop held in Enschede, in early 2003
future direction of many of the organisations heard from industry and users who are starting to
led : exploit all kinds of new technologies in
nse O [The | eucome 16 reported athée" official innovating the use of GI often through virtual
less publication No: 38. reality and 3D.
ds ; ; o Like the 2D to 3D workshop it was felt that
ent From 2D to 3D - Establishment and maintenance of "mainstream users" and decision makers are still
tive National Core Geospatial Databases adjusting to GIS and do not yet readily use 3D
dou : : hi capabilities. More work is required to make data
ose o Held in Hannover in autumn 2001, participants and information easier To usd:
ga heard how new technologies are changing the o The workshop will be reported in official
ven way society interacts. The world is a 3D place publication No. 47.
lata and GI methods and practices are developing to
support and manage real world events. EuroSpec Workshops 1 &2
o While capability is improving and there are
several areas of innovation, the adoption of 3D or o Both held in Marne la Vallee, near Paris in spring
even 2.5D in GI remains limited. and summer 2003. Led by EuroGeographics and
Jor o The workshop is reported in the official co-sponsored by EuroSDR (and the Joint
Ec publication No: 42. Research Centre of the European Commission in
T : the case of workshop 2) these workshops set out
ind XML/GML [Geography mark-Up Language] to better understand and define EuroSpec. The
| participants heard from several experts across the
o The workshop held in Marne la Vallee, near Paris NMCAs, the European Commission, ISOTC211
in late 2001 included tutorials, reviews and and other collaboration projects such as EULIS.