Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
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i | direct sensor orientation?] 
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“Integrated Sensor Orientation - 
vantages of integrated sensor orientation when compared with 
C - M  ? 
| Multi-select 
| Y Weighting 
A | : | 
v | Answers Feedback Settings | 
| Optimal fit of neighboured photos iv Should be selected 
A | 
Improved ground coordinates 7 ; E iw Should be selected | 
More economic à Answer C is Incorrect - Additional [^ Should be selected | 
automatic aerial triangulation required 
Better reliability fv Should be selected i 
B | 
Config: english6 cfg 
Figure 3. Course tests are being developed in the Hot Potatoes?" software package. 
with the aim of incorporating the courses into a new masters 
study program in the future. The further development of the 
three courses will include the recording and construction of the 
digital multimedia lecture library. 
The aims of IPI are to produce eLearning material that is long 
lasting, usable, up to date and educational. These goals are 
being realised firstly though the progressive implementation of 
new material into the existing courses, secondly by talking with 
and assessing student feedback to each part of the course and 
implementing changes where necessary, and thirdly through 
introducing the students to new study methods and therefore 
educating them and making them more sympathetic to the 
methods when encountered in the future. It is important to 
remember that eLearning is perhaps a larger tool for industry 
than for universities and schools and that, by learning the basic 
principles of using eLearning, students are more prepared when 
it is encountered later in life. 
Education is an important issue that should not be overlooked 
in the quest for the perfectly designed site. Sometimes course 
developers should step back from an attitude of "should this 
button go here or here" or "shall I use red or blue" and actually 
analyse whether someone could learn from the material which 
is being created. A student will use the material only if they are 
able to learn from it, regardless of the site appearance. What is 
important is that the material is easily accessible, so the student 
does not need to install a large number of programs to use the 
material and go through a laborious setup procedure, and that 
the material is up to date and correct. 
Through further development and implementation IPI hopes to 
provide more eLearning courses in the future - all the time 
learning from what it and others have done in the past. 
The ELAN project is funded by the Ministry for Science and 
Culture of Lower Saxony, Germany under grant number 
DB1000003425. This support is gratefully acknowledged. 
Bersin & Associates, 2003. Blended Learning: What Works? 
www.e-learningguru.com/wpapers/blended bersin.doc 
(accessed 01 March 2004). 
Ferreira, H.S., Fonseca, L.M.G., d'Alge, J.C.L., Montiero, 
A.M.V., 2002. New Approach on Teaching Geotechnology. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
and Spatial Information Science San Jóse dos Campos, Brazil. 
Vol. XXXIV, Part 6, CVI 
Glowalla, U., 2004. eLearning: Erfolgsfaktoren, Nachhaltigkeit 
und Zukunfts-Szenarien. eLearning in Geoinformatik und 
Fernerkundung — Stand und Perspektiven. Vechta, 16-17 Feb. 
Hóhle, J., Cho, K., 2000. Distance Learning and Exchange of 
Scientific Knowledge via Internet. /nternational Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Amsterdam, Holland 
Vol. XXXIII Part B6. pp. 337-340. 
Kónig, G., Weser, T., 2004. Ein modularisiertes Lernprogramm 
zur Fernerkundung, eLearning in Geoinformatik und 
Fernerkundung — Stand und Perspektiven. Vechta, 16-17 Feb. 
Mühlhäuser, M., Trompler, C., 2002, Digital Lectures Halls 
Keep Teachers in the Mood and Learners in the Loop. 
Proceedings of E-Learn 2002, Montreal, Canada. Association 

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