Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
project. People from different spanish universities could go to 
Perou, Bolivia and Argentina, and viceversa. 
In relation to people coming from South America, in summer of 
2004, a reseacher from Perou is waited to go Spain and to teach 
a workshop of ASTER dataset for students and proffesionals 
who are interested in callibration and applications of this data. 
The experience of this collaborator who has been working in 
the Laboratory of Remote Sensing in Perou, will be an 
extraordinary opportunity for create a small laboratory of 
Remote Sensing for researching with ASTER imagery. 
4.1 Six universities altogether 
Next step in this project is pending to aproval yet. It would be 
coming for 2005. Three south american universities and three 
spanish universities are working to create a sinergical network 
where teachers can visit every university and teach a brief and 
specific workshop in each of them. 
We are thinking in specific courses of Radar, Lidar, Thematic 
cartography, Hyperspectral imagery, Quantitative assessment 
and control in Remote Sensing, Digital and Close-Range 
Photogrammetry, new advances in GIS,... 
Joint- Student Teache Course 
Year Place 
Venture Target rs From Name 
i ing Avia | USA. Applied 
2001 USAL : and Remote 
Salamanca | (Spain) Y 
others Sensing 
Summer Students and |Salaman| USAL Applied 
2001 USAL Professionals ca and Remote 
from Spain | (Spain) others Sensing 
Peruvian : Applied 
se ver students and E USAL Remote 
docents Sensing 
Peruvian : Applied 
some USA students and m USAL Remote 
professionals Sensing 
Porqvian Analysis of 
Summer USAL- Lima Imagery in 
20030 | UNMEN | Students and | poi | C USAL ee edinelog 
professionals v 
-- Future -- 
2005- Bolivian Spain 
2000 UNS | Pone 1 Peru | UNMSM |. under 
pending "UNSA- d ? | UNAS | consideration 
) UNSJ Spaniards | Argentin UNSJ 
students a 
2006- E-Learning All of the 
2007 countries under 
under bipedal which want to Global Global consideration 
consider. | P'o9 participate 
Table 4. Evolution of the Academical Network and forecast. 
USAL-Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), UNMSM- Universidad 
Nacional Mayor San Marcos (Perou), UNSA- Universidad Nacional 
San Andres (Bolivia), UNSJ=Universidad Nacional San Juan 
In the summer of Europe is winter in South America. So that is 
the period when spanish teacher would travel Perou, Bolivia 
and Argentina teaching the same specific course in every 
country and collaborating in different small projects in each 
hosted university. 
In the summer of South America is winter in Europe. So 
students, teachers or reseachers from Perou, Argentina and 
Bolivia could travel Spain getting information and knowledge 
from specific doctorate courses, or teaching their investigation 
lines from their countries. 
4.2 Developing a distant method of working 
South America community has several deficits in the access to 
the information and the high-tech sector. There are no much 
people understanding english in this countries. Technical books 
are mainly written in english, so they have an important 
challenge to develop an adecuate knowledge. 
They have a big desire to can study abroad but like english as a 
second language is not spreaded enough, their only one solution 
is to study in Spain or other latinamerican countries. 
In other hand, the economy of this countries is not so high to 
can support a lot this weight. 
A possibility to solve this problem is to create a distance course 
where people from developing countries can get the knowledge 
from a more technological and advaced country avoiding go 
Several alternatives were under consideration: 
I. To make a e-learning program: Students must study 
using Internet technology. They are clients and all of the 
material is inside a server. 
2. DVD or CD-Rom authoring: Students get all of the 
information in a disc which is sent to their address. They 
can learn using hipertextual tutorial and all of the material. 
3. A bimodal and presencial method: Both previous 
alternatives are present plus a presencial teaching also. 
Internet broadband is not socialized in South America. People 
have access on the Net but not plain fare. Dial-up or access 
from a cybershop is a serious problem when several materials 
have a long size (gigabytes of imagery and software to the 
practical activities). 
The third alternative is the more adecuate. It has the same 
advantages of the previous choose, ‘but it avoids their 
- Traditional surface postal is used to send CDs/DVDs 
and textbooks to all of the pupils in the program 
(South american mainly but spaniards also), 
- Internet is used to update the curricula, to facilitate 
the interchange of ideas between teachers and 
students via chats or other forums, to follow the 
evolution of pupils with autocheck test,... 
- During the year several presential workshops and 
tutorials of training are developed in some 
universities. The human touch is always an important 
way to motivate and resolve several doubts. Similar to 
the previous workshops visitor teachers are from 

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