Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
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)verview of scientific background 
Understanding the Earth surface constituents and 
evolution, review of measures, dimensions, scales 
with review of Space and Solar System 
| 2. Introduction to maps & Projections 
| Conical To know how to read maps and understand the 
| Projection basic concepts of scale and map projections, 
with emphasis on practical exercises 
Examples of 
Radiating Features 
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Reflecting Features 
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Middle East Map _ 7 E 
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3. Remote Sensing & Image Processing m 
To understand physical principles of remote sensing, 
acquisition of images, image resolution, correction, 
enhancement and interpretation methods 
Designing & annotating image maps, estimation 
of map scales from various image types and printing 
& exporting images 
Figure 2. Main stages and workflow ofa basic training program designed for non-graduate imagery users 

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