Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
The first surveys, using LIDAR technology in Brazil, were 
performed in strips of ducts of Petroleo Brasileiro S/A 
Company (PETROBRÄS) spread throughout the country. The 
purpose was the mapping through altimetry of this strip, with 
the purpose of obtaining a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for 
orthophotos rectification. The survey was performed along the 
servitude strip. At this stage, they traveled about 3.000 lineal 
km with an average strip of 700m, which is equal to 2.100 sq 
km of data of LIDAR. 
LIDAR surveys were already performed: for the area of 
highway engineering, surveys in strips for electric power 
transmission lines and strips of peroleum ducts, in urban areas, 
in mining areas, for areas of interest for hydraulic potential and 
of hydric resources, in reforestation and native forest for 
biomass estimates and vegetation classification. 
Table | displays the amounts obtained by two companies, 
showing that 8.600 sq km were imaged in several places and for 
several purposes. 
(SQ. Km) 
Strip Survey: (transmission lines, 3225 37,5 
servitude strips of ducts) 
Altimetry deviation (DTM for 
ortho-photo rectification and to | 2150 25,0 
produce contour lines) 
Hydric Resources 1800 21,0 
Highway Engineering 975 11,23 
Urban and rural mapping 400 4,7 
Reforestation 50 0,57 
TOTAL 8600 100 
Table 1: mapped area using Laser Scanner sensor in Brazil 
The mapping of hydric resources looked for inventories of 
hydroelectric power plants and for the determination of 
inundation quota. In the application for reforestations and 
native forests, it was used to aid in the biomass estimates, as 
well as in the classification of the vegetation (using altitude in 
relation to terrestrial surface). In highway engineering, mapping 
was performed in preliminary studies of the final project of 
highways. Studies are in the process of seeking the use of the 
technology in the final phase of highway projects. Urban and 
rural maps have been generated, in some cases, utilizing only 
by-products of the Laser Scanner sensor, in other cases, they 
are the result of fusing Laser Scanner data and products of 
digital photographys, as the orthophotos. 
a) Starting from cloud points of the Laser Scanner, countour 
lines are created, Hypsometrical Maps, Digital Terrain Models 
and Digital Surface Model, compositions of hypsometry colors 
and intensity image. 
b) Development of applications (during the last two years) for 
the owners of LIDAR equipments in the country: for biomass 
estimates in reforestation areas; 3D mapping of transmission 
lines; programs, exclusively, to work with the technology, as in 
the case of a software to deal with information resulting from 
the LIDAR system seeking the automatic search of falling in 
bodies of water. 
c) Fusion of Laser Scanner data and others: Some customers 
only need the altimetry of a region, for this purpose, the Laser 
Scanner is the final product (as the example of Mining 
Companies and of engineering projects). The by-products are 
demands or customer's needs. If the purpose is to obtain 
orthophotos, planialtimetry, etc., the Laser Scanner is a tool that 
complements the process, acting in one of the phases (DTM 
aquisition). There are already areas in the country, where maps 
were produced just by using the products of the Laser Scanner 
sensor, without the need of any other by-product (they used 
elevation contours derived from laser points and images 
resulting from composition of hypsometry and LIDAR intensity 
From the beginning of LIDAR technology in the country, 
several research projects are being developed by companies 
which have the technology as well as by researchers at 
universities. In this manner, the publications begin to appear in 
national and international levels of the results reached by these 
Before the existence of LIDAR technology in the country, there 
were already researchers in accord with German universities, 
developing works involving Laser Scanner products, which 
brought the technique to the country. Since then, researchers 
have been developing projects and products, using the 
technology, in the country. The first researches, at university 
level, were accomplished taking as examples, for their area of 
study, urban environments of European cities. They mainly 
involved classification of spectral and space images of the Laser 
Scanner sensor, detection and identification of constructions and 
Nowadays there are several dissertations and theses in progress, 
in the country, having as study subject, LIDAR, its products and 
applications. And several already finished. Schäfer (2004), 
studied of application of LIDAR and orthophotos integration for 
use in highway enginnering projects. 
One research line is related to the handling of by-products of 
LIDAR, as filtering, classification and creation of terrain 
models. Subjects as the operational safety of the Laser Scanner 
sensor was also a topic of study. 
A doctorate thesis is in progress at the Federal university of 
Santa Catarina (UFSC). It involves the comparison of results 
obtained with the LIDAR system, as related to other types of 
available products, to see whether the results are compatible 
with the existing cartographic standards in the country. 
Another line of research seeks the use of LIDAR by-products 
for a great variety of applications. Among the utilizations in 
study, we may cite highway projects (figure | and 2) (Schäfer, 
2004), the study of relief in areas of hydroelectric plants, 
characterization and the monitoring of natural resources 
(Groszewicz, 2003), drainage problems, distribution of energy 
(Müller, 2002), transmission lines (Baungarten, 2003) and 
studies in urban areas (Calmon, 2003; Groszewicz, 2003). There 
are already finished researches, including master degree 
dissertations, in this line of study.

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