Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

EAS 212323223 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
Our discipline, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, is to 
prepare a sub-dictionary for itself. It is going to be something 
more, than only thematic sub-dictionary of the great dictionary 
for geoinformatics. Our dictionary, on the model of dictionaries 
for photogrammetry made in Poland before [7], will contain 
wide vocabulary set, the terms directly connected and only 
related to our thematic discipline. There are also another 
examples of polish  thematical dictionaries covering 
photogrammetry and R.S. [1,8]. 
In opposite to our predecessors, the new dictionary will be 
build up in the open formulae, using internet. All the work 
stages will be public, available in internet. The dictionary users 
will have chance to comment the description of each term, and 
the whole work on the internet pages. To the editorial process 
will be admitted also volunteers, who, under care and in 
cooperation with the responsible editors will help to build the 
dictionary data base. Here mainly students preparing their 
master thesis, or PhD thesis, will try their hand at proper 
understanding even complicated technical and scientific terms 
belonging to photogrammetry, remote sensing and GIS. The 
imaging | geoiformatics (the geoinformatics dealing with 
capturing, processing, and producing images), which covers, 
among others, the main part of photogrammetry, remote 
sensing and GIS, gathers many young enthusiasts around that 
discipline. They feel, that in future the Information Society will 
use imaging geoinformatics in a great extend, and will 
appreciate low cost of collecting data that way, and comfort of 
using the information in the easy to understand form of images. 
One of the main objectives of the project it is to develop a 
uniform terminology for such an interdisciplinary subject as 
geoinformatics. At the end of our project there should be 
presented a CD and printed book: the dictionary. 
This aim is very clear, but it is not an easy goal, and not the 
only goal we want to achieve. 
The geoinformatics develops fast, and simultaneously in many 
disciplines, sometimes quite far from each other. It is, therefore, 
rather impossible to stop independent development of several 
thematic vocabularies for geoinformatics. The editorial activity, 
therefore, it is a permanent task. The only hope, the only way to 
progressively unify terminology, it is to provide a field of 
continuous linguistic consultation between the individuals of 
many fields of geoinformatics applications. Therefore it was 
decided, that the dictionary must be approachable in the 
internet, not only for passive, but also for the active use. 
2.1. Need for Internet 
The open editorial formulae, in our case, means that everybody 
at any time can consult the internet page with the actual version 
of dictionary on it. Everybody can use our dictionary, to support 
his professional editorial activity, but also can influence the 
proposals and interpretation of terms given in the dictionary. To 
achieve that very important goal, to each entry of the dictionary 
there is attached a computer window in which everybody can 
write his comments and proposals. The text of such a comment 
is stored in the database, and should help to accomplish work of 
dictionary editors. So, that commentary text is accessible always 
to everybody, as the all dictionary content. Such a situation can 
stimulate an internet discussion, and also can influence the 
linguistic decisions of people responsible for dictionary. It often 
happens that a term is used by practicing specialists with a new, 
additional meaning, which should be registered in dictionary. It 
also happens, though, that practicians invent a new term, which 
is rather horrible, and should be immediately replaced by 
another word, better fitting to the general rules of certain 
language. A prompt action on the side of editors, a proper 
comment to the comment of the dictionary user, can stop using 
the unwanted term. One should consider the well known rule, 
that also a professional language it is a living medium, and 
words, once spontaneously accepted — stay for long. 
2.2. Editorial faces, tentative and final version 
The open editorial formulae means also, that all the editorial 
activities are done in public. The term (an entry of dictionary), 
or a synonym, thematic description of meaning, and other 
associated texts, they are to be edited, and then verified and 
finally approved, as official dictionary version. All that editorial 
faces must be documented on the internet page of dictionary, 
and must be always accessible for the users. 
the multi-lingual 
thematic sub-dictionary 
c.g. Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing 
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Fig.2. The multilingual units of any virtual thematic sub-dictionary. The number of languages is not limited by the software. 
A selected entry has identical ID in each of the languages. Each linguistic unit consists of two identical software modules type A 
(A1 for tentative and A2 for finally approved texts), and one module for links to attached articles pertaining to the entry (type B).. 

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