L. M. Gomes Pereira* *, J. M. Oliveira ?
* Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestào de Águeda, Universidade de Aveiro, Apartado 473, Zona Industrial Alagoa,
3754-909 Agueda, Portugal - (luisa, jmo)@estga.ua.pt
Commission VI, WG VI/1-3
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Education, Teaching, Learning, Digital, Restitution, Project
In 1997, the University of Aveiro created the polytechnic school Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestáo de Águeda (ESTGA)
administering, among others, a B.Sc. degree in Geo-information Engineering. In 1999, the curriculum was redesigned within the
University's overall strategy to try to invert the ongoing tendency in Portugal, like in most of Europe, of dramatically declining
student numbers in engineering degrees in general, and in Geo-information in particular. The new curriculum has been developed
around a methodology of learning called “Problem Based Learning” (PBL), which is firmly established in various degrees in several
teaching institutes around the world.
The essence of PBL is to learn by working around open-ended problems, which in our case assumes the form of projects. Each
project is dedicated to a specific theme. A set of so called “associated courses” support the project, by covering the basics of the
theme’s scientific content. The project and associated courses make up a Thematic Module which is the core of the semester.
The degree in Geo-information at ESTGA comprises 3 years. In the first year, the fundamental concepts are taught whereas in the
two subsequent years, 4 themes are addressed, one per semester. The Themes are, in this order, “Photogrammetric Restitution”,
“Cartographic Production”, “GIS Applications”, and “Urban Cadastre”.
In this paper, we will further elaborate upon PBL and on its implementation in the Theme “Photogrammetric Restitution”. A first
evaluation of the Theme’s implementation will also be addressed, in terms of acquired knowledge and skills as well as the response
of the students.
1. INTRODUCTION structuring. Arguably, most of the current Study Programmes of
Geo-information Engineering courses in Portugal are
Over the last few years, Engineering courses in Portugal have inadequate. This is most clearly evidenced by their strong
been faced with dwindling numbers of newly enrolling students, emphasis on theoretical disciplines, specifically those related to
the Geo-information Engineering courses being no exception. Mathematics. The generalised lack of equipment, being a
In view of modern society's unparallel demand for geo- symptom of restricted budgets, is also a definite symbol of
information, a scarcity of Geo-information Engineers and Geographical Engineering being a subsidiary field of Applied
Technicians on the labour market may easily occur and will Mathematics at the classical Portuguese universities.
have negative repercussions in areas as diverse as urban At the University of Aveiro, one of a generation of more recent
planning and natural resources management. There is therefore universities in Portugal, some 4 years ago a general review of
an urgent need, including on the part of the educational the pedagogic approach led amongst others to a proposal for a
institutes and agents, to propose and implement possible comprehensive revision of the 3-year Engineering courses at
measures for putting a halt to and inverting the current trend of ESTGA. The crux of this proposed revision was the
decreasing student numbers. introduction, for the first time in Portugal, of an entirely
Perhaps a first area of measures to consider is that of the different pedagogic model, i.e. that of Problem Based Learning
divulgation of the course amongst candidate students. In (PBL). This paper discusses how PBL was implemented for the
Portugal at least, Geo-information Engineering would seem to Geo-information Engineering course in general and for the
be associated first and foremost with Topography, and with the discipline of Photogrammetry in particular, and furthermore
more traditional methods and techniques in general. It is reviews the first experiences with this new pedagogic model.
perfectly imaginable that a stronger focus on the many
informatics-related facets and high-tech aspects of present-day
Geo-information Engineering will attract more students and 2. PROBLEM BASED LEARNING
with a wider variety of skills and interests. There is surely no
lack of “eye-openers” on how Geo-information Engineering is, The fundaments for learning based on problems were developed
and will increasingly become intertwined with every-day life. in Germany 1n the early 1970s, and later adopted and adapted
A second, more structural area of possible measures involves by various institutes in several countries, including Denmark,
the contents of the Study Programme as well as their The Netherlands, Canada and the United States of America. The
Corresponding author.