Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
There was no license available for Microstation, so we did not 
install Pro600, but changed the feature extraction exercise for 
the available “Feature”-module. As we were not familiar with 
this module, we had to learn about it and then adapt the course 
material for it. We spent all Saturday and Sunday to help with 
the installation of the computer systems, install the 
Photogrammetric software and the data needed for the course 
and fit the stereo shutters to the monitors. 
Due to an error in the license file of the software the 
preparations could not e completed by Sunday evening. On 
Monday morning help from the software vendor came very 
prompt and precise, which allowed us to start the course on 
Monday after the lunch break. 
Language turned out to be a problem. As half of the member 
states supporting RECTAS are francophone, there were some 
course participant unfit to follow the course in English language. 
It was impossible to translate all the course material to French, 
especially as we had to spend a lot of time to adapt the English 
material to the local configuration and the different release of 
the software. To overcome the language problem the course was 
given in the following way: 
. Course material was provided only in English; 
= Introductory lectures and discussions were bilingual (ie. 
everything was said in 2 languages, every contribution of 
course participants was first translated to the other 
language and then a reaction was given in both 
. Exercise groups were formed such, that there were 2 
English groups, one bilingual group and 2 French groups. 
Each one of the French groups had one very well bilingual 
group member in order to support the non-English 
speaking group members. 
We managed to stay ahead of the program with the adaptation of 
the material, although the assistance of both staff members was 
needed throughout all exercises. Many lunch breaks, evening 
hours and half the second weekend had to be sacrificed for this 
On the last day a course evaluation by the participants was held 
(by Rectas staff in order not to influence the participants with 
our presence), then a closing ceremony was held in which the 
director and the deputy director of RECTAS together with the 
two staff members of ITC handed a bilingual "Certificate of 
Participation" to each participant. The directorate of RECTAS 
also handed a “Certificate of Appreciation” to each of the staff 
members of ITC. The day was concluded with a dinner of all 
participants and all involved staff. 
Each part was started with an introduction and/or a small 
background lecture. The material (only in English!) was given in 
print to the participants and also projected on a screen while 
explanations were given in both languages. Hands on exercises 
were carried out in groups of three or four course participants, 
with assistance by two staff members constantly available. Each 
part was concluded with a (bilingual) discussion. Projection of 
lecture material was used when appropriate for clarifications in 
those discussions. Also during the practical the CCD-projector 
was used for support. 
During part of one session the local representative of the 
software vendor (Mr. Greuter) was available for a discussion 
about the software used (SOCET SET from LH-Systems). 
'The executed timetable was. 
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 
Time 19-11 20-11 21-11 22-11 23-11 
9:00-10:30 Preparations for | Demo-hands-on Image | Continuation Demo 
orientation enhancement orientation of a model | SPOT Orientation 
10:45-12:15 Orientation of a single | Continuation Image | Continuation Aero-triangulation 
image Enhancement orientation of a model 
14:15-15:45 General Introduction | Continuation single | Orientation of a model Continuation Continuation of AT 
image orientation of a model 
16:00-17:30 Introduction to | Continuation single | Continuation orientation | Discussion orientation | Continuation of AT 
SocetSet image of a model 
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 
Time 26-11 27-11 28-11 29-11 30-11 
9:00-10:30 Continuation of AT Discussion AT Continuation of | Continuation DTM | Topics of participants 
Mosaicing editing choice 
10:45-12:15 Continuation of AT Intro Orthophoto Intro DTM & image | Discussion DTM- | Discussion digital 
matching ortho + Greuter photogrammetry 
14:15-15:45 Continuation of AT Orthophoto generation DTM assessment and | Demo feature | Evaluation of the course 
editing extraction 
16:00-17:30 | Continuation of AT Orthophoto and | Continuation of DTM | Exercise feature | Closing of the course 
mosaicing editing extraction 
6.1. A successful evaluation by *rectas" Nigeria 
After an introduction of a refresher course in digital 
photogrammetry at RECTAS “Ile-Ife, Nigeria”, a positive 
feedback “through an evaluation” [reported to ITC from 
RECTAS] has been received “including participant from 8 
ECA-member states (mix of Francophone and English speaking 
in West Africa: Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Mali, Senegal, 
Niger, Burkina Faso and Benin). From RECTAS staff and from 
participants evaluation stated that such a refresher course is very 
much demanding at their organization. The participants were 
extremely motivated and many spent more time on the systems 
than allotted. Some even spent part of the weekend to repeat 
parts they were not sure enough of. - 
6.2 Individual assessment made by RECTAS together with 
course participants 
Practically all the participants remarked that the course was just 
right and that it has helped to open their eyes to new techniques 
in photogrammetry through the training they got from this 

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