International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004
Figure 1. SPOT image converted into three separated images
2.2 Definition and verification of the training areas
As it was later used for fuzzy logic classification, the process of
supervised image classification will be given in brief. Selected
land cover classes are: deciduous trees, coniferous trees, urban
area, water, cropl and crop2. For these classes, training areas
were pointed on the image (Figure 2.)
| & PCI ImogcWorks V0.0 (VDO) »put. merged, crops
Figure 2. Training areas shown in display window
Since the signature separability showed that deciduous trees
and coniferous trees are very poorly separated (low values of
Transformed Divergence and Bhattacharrya Distance; big
overlap between the signatures of two classes) and considering
that this separability cannot be improved by a different channel
combination, those classes were merged into the one single
class: vegetation. Accepted combination of three images (with
the biggest signature separability between the classes), in terms
of RGB channels, was 702(red)+ 703(green) + 701(blue).
The signature statistics gave a list of each of the classes, with
the mean values and standard deviations for each channel for
the class selected. These data were used later in the definition of
the membership function. Also, the listing contained the class
correlation matrix, the covariance, inverse covariance and
triangular inverse covariance matrices for the signature.
In determination whether the training areas that have been
selected are well represented, histogram was used: if the
histogram has a single peak, then the training area is distinct
and there is no confusion between it and another training area.
A histogram with a bimodal distribution would indicate that
there is an ambiguity between the current and some other class.
2.3 Classification procedure
In the classification process, the maximum likelihood classifier
without NULL class was used. It assumes a normal (Gaussian)
distribution and evaluates the variance and correlation of
spectral response during the classification of the unknown pixel.
In cases of overlapping areas, this method uses 'apriori'
probabilities or a weighting factor to delineate.
The NULL class option determines whether every pixel should
be classified. If this option is selected, then a pixel is assigned
to a class only if it is within the Gaussian threshold specified for
the class. If it is not within any threshold, it is assigned to the
NULL (0) class.
Report about the results of the image classification contains:
number of classified pixels, average and overall accuracy,
statistics for the each of the classes and confusion matrix. This
matrix gives the information how much of original training
areas pixels was actually classified as being in the class that the
training areas was meant to represent. If many of training areas
pixels were classified into different classes, it is likely that the
training areas were not so well determined.
2.4 Result evaluation
One way of the result evaluation was through the accuracy
assessment. The classification results are compared to the raw
image data and the report is created. This process is done during
the random sample selection. The idea of the accuracy
assessment is: point is highlighted in the sample list and
observation was done where it is located on the image. This
position should be compared to the class list and select the class
that one believes it should belong. This idea was taken and
applied in the fuzzy logic classification verification.
3.1 Matlab’s Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
In the lack of precise mathematical model which will describe
behaviour of the system, Fuzzy Logic Toolbox is a good
“weapon” to solve the problem: it allows using /ogic if-then
rules to describe the system's behaviour.
This Toolbox is a compilation of functions built on the
MATLAB numeric computing environment and provides
tools for creating and editing fuzzy inference systems within the
framework of MATLAB.
The toolbox provides three categories of tools:
=» command line functions,
=» graphical interactive tools and
=» simulink blocks and examples.
The Fuzzy Logic Toolbox provides a number of interactive
tools that allow accessing many of the functions through a
graphical user interface (GUI). Fuzzy Logic Toolbox allows
building the two types of system:
=» Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and
=» Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS).