Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Our approach for the characterization of urban surfaces is 
based on the analysis of laser scanning and hyperspectral 
data as depicted in Fig. 5. The geometry of surface patches 
is derived using a DSM from laser scanning, whereas the 
surface material information is obtained from both, laser 
scanning and hyperspectral data. Of course, the hyper- 
spectral data is the main source for the surface material 
classification, but the used surface material also restricts 
the geometry or vice versa, the geometry restricts the use 
of materials. Table 1 shows some examples of roof surface 
characteristics, grouped with respect to similar spectra, and 
also indicating qualitatively the surface geometry. There- 
fore, this information can be used as additional clue within 
the classification in case the spectral characteristics of dif- 
ferent surface materials are almost similar (see Fig. 4). 
The main part of our analysis is performed using the soft- 
ware package eCognition. In this software the first step of 
data analysis is a segmentation, followed by classification 
of the segments. Therefore, the quality of segmentation is 
crucial for the quality of classification. In the following, 
we will describe both steps in detail using a subset of the 
data as example (white dashed line in Fig. 3). 
Laser data Hyperspectral data 
| 0. 
Surface geometry 4 Surface material 
slope ? sealed surface ? 
orientation ? building surface ? 
size ? material ? 
Figure 5: Flow chart of approach 
Material Geometry Remarks 
flat | sloped 
| Brick | dio dba | 
Slate - + spectrum similar to stone 
plates, gravel, roofing felt 
Stone plates | + - spectrum similar to slate, 
gravel, roofing felt 
Gravel + - spectrum similar to stone 
plates, slate, roofing felt 
Roofing felt | + + spectrum similar to stone 
plates, slate, gravel 
Copper + + both possible; sometimes 
just facing at roofs’ 
outlines with other 
material like gravel 
for the main part; 
see remarks for copper 
bs jl 
| Gras Leu 
Table 1: Examples of roof surface characteristics 
limited slope 
4.1 Segmentation 
The segmentation procedure within the eCognition soft- 
ware is based on a region growing algorithm. The crite- 
rion for the growing combines three different quantities: 
the homogeneity of the segment, the shape of the segment 
measured by its compactness, and the smoothness of its 
boundary. The homogeneity of the segment takes the de- 
viations from the mean of each channel used for segmen- 
tation into account. Thus, the underlying model assumes 
constant values for each segment’s channel, which is only 
adequate when dealing with flat roofs, but not when deal- 
ing with roofs consisting of planar faces, which is our as- 
sumed model, and using the laser scanning data as main 
information for the segmentation. Aware of this problem, 
we nevertheless tried the segmentation procedure of eCog- 
nition. Examples of these segmentations are given in Fig. 
6 and 7. For these segmentations first and last pulse data 
and a NDVI (channels 25 and 15 of the HyMap data) are 
used. Emphasis was on the geometry data (each channel 
with weight 4), and less on the NDVI data (weight 1). The 
segmentations are based on two different scale parameters. 
A visual inspection of the results indicates what was al- 
ready expected: The gable roof of a building in the lower 
left corner (cf. Fig. 8) was segmented into several slight 
elongated segments in the main roof directions, just ap- 
proximating the sloped surface by segments with constant 
heights - independent from the choice of scale parameter. 
In case of flat roofs, e.g. building the upper middle, the 
segmentation resulted in reasonable segments, when con- 
sidering, that there are smaller extensions on this roof (cf. 
Fig. 8). 
Instead of the segmentation by eCognition, our segmenta- 
tion procedure for laser scanning data searches for planar 
faces. It follows the region growing principle taking the 
deviation from a plane in 3D into account. Details of the 
algorithm are given in (Vógtle and Steinle, 2000). Fig. 9 
shows the result of the algorithm for the subset based on 
the last pulse laser scanning data, thus only the geome- 
try is taken into account during segmentation. Parameters 
were set to include smaller roof extension in the surround- 
ing larger surface patch. The use of geometric data only 
may lead to problems, when one planar roof surface patch 
consists of areas with different surface materials. In order 
to overcome this drawback, the segmentation may be intro- 
duced into eCognition and a second step of segmentation 
using the spectral data to split up the initial segments may 
be performed if needed. In this case, segmentation and 
classification are closely related, because those channels 
carrying the information for classification should also be 
used for the segmentation. For the classification described 
in the next section, we used the results of the eCognition 
segmentation with scale parameter 50 shown in Fig. 6 and 
the initial segments without refinement of our segmenta- 
tion (Fig. 9). 
4.0 Classification 
Fig. 4 displays example spectra of materials to be classi- 
fied. A closer look reveals the following: 

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