Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
new and existing sensors, and a growing number of “RFM 
enabled” commercial tools are made available. 
This paper discussed the single image based 3-D feature 
extraction and compared these results with those measured 
using stereo images. It has also demonstrated the application of 
single image processing for 3D city model generation. It should 
be noted that single image 3D reconstruction methods are of 
great importance in the case of the HRSI due to the somewhat 
limited availability of stereo pairs. 
Although single image height measurement and 3D 
reconstruction offer greater flexibly and lower costs, human 
measurement errors, such as misidentification of the base or 
roof of a building in one image, can affect the accuracy of 
height measurement. It is therefore important to carefully 
design and provide utilities to assist users on performing 3D 
extraction from the single imagery. 
The paper also discussed the extension of the RFM to aerial 
imagery. This included the generation of the RFM coefficients 
based on the known exterior orientation using the terrain 
independent scheme. Overall, these preliminary results suggest 
that sub-meter accuracies can be achieved. 
Map in GSC Single (m) Stereo (m) 
Terrain Roof Height Height Base Terrain Heishi 
elevation elevation relative to relative to Height elevation Height elevatio eS 
No. (feet) (feet) terrain (m) base (m) (MSL) n comcetion 
l 236 357 36.9 36.3 37.8 73.7 36.2 73.1 0.6 
2 235 307 49.4 47.5 49.2 73.7 48.3 . 71.8 ].9 
3 236 521 86.9 86.2 87.3 73.3 86.0 72.6 0.7 
4 236 521 86.9 86.2 87.2 73.3 86.1 72.6 0.7 
5 232 554 98.2 92.1 91.9 77.0 91.2 70.9 6.1 
6 232 327 29.0 22.9 23.7 77.0 22.8 70.9 6.1 
7 232 335 31.4 25.3 26.1 77.0 25.2 70.9 6.1 
8 232 350 ui 36.0 29.9 31.0 7.0 30.0 70.9 6.1 
9 240 353 34.5 33.2 33.5 75.4 33.1 74.1 1.3 
10 240 378 42.1 40.8 41.9 783... A10 74.1 1.3 
11 235 453 00.5 = 65.0 65.7 73.1 65.5 71.6 aan 3 
12 235 470 71.6 70.1 68.9 73.1 70.2 71.6 1.5 
Table 4. Building Heights obtained in three ways 
Stereo vs. Single vs. Single vs. Grodecki, J., Dial, G., 2003. Block adjustment of high 
Map Map Stereo resolution satellite images described by rational polynomials. 
Mean 2.82 2,27 0.55 PE&RS, 6001); pp. 59-68. 
Std 2.63 2.64 1.03 
RMS 3.78 3.39 113 Hu, Y., Tao, V., 2002. Updating solutions of the rational 
Max Abs. 7.00 6.30 1.80 function model using additional control information. PE&RS, 
Table 5. Differences with systematic vertical shifts (m) 
Stereo vs. Single vs. Map vs. 
Corrected Corrected Corrected 
map map map 
Mean -0.01 0.56 2.83 
Std 0.41 0.98 2.45 
RMS 0.39 1.09 3.67 
Max Abs. 0.90 1.70 6.10 
Table 6. Differences without systematic vertical shifts (m) 
Croitoru, A. Tao, V., Hu, Y., Xu, J. Wang, F. and Lenson, P., 
2004. The rational function model: a unified 2D and 3D spatial 
data generation scheme. ASPRS annual Conference, 23-28 
May, Denver, Colorado, 11 pages 
Fraser, C., Hanley, H., 2003. Bias compensation in rational 
functions for Ikonos satellite imagery. PE&RS, 69, pp. 53-57. 
68(7), pp. 715-724. 
Hu, Y., Tao, V., Croitoru, A., 2004. Understanding the rational 
function model: methods and applications. ZJAPRS, 12-23 July, 
Istanbul, vol. XX, 6 p. 
NIMA, 2000. The Compendium of Controlled Extensions (CE) 
for the National Imagery Transmission Format (Version 2.1). 
( 1/ntb/baseline/stdi0002 1 /stdi0002 1 .pdf) 
Tao, V., Hu, Y., 2001. A comprehensive study on the rational 
function model for photogrammetric processing. PE&RS, 
67(12), pp. 1347-1357. 
Tao, V., Hu, Y., 2002. 3-D reconstruction algorithms with the 
rational function model. PE&RS, 68(7), pp. 705-714. 
Tao, V., Hu, Y., 2004. RFM: an open sensor model for cross 
sensor mapping. ASPRS annual Conference, 23-28 May, 
Denver, Colorado, 9 pages. 

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