Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
quantities of such material that has been extracted from soil by 
Chlorophyll is a colorant which is produced by plants for the 
use of light energy. It consists of two parts: an non-polar part 
with which chlorophyll is fixed to the membrane of chloroplasts 
and a complex polar part from which the color results, 
There are different types of chlorophyll with different 
absorption spectra and occurrence: 
e Chl a: blue-green, chlorophyta (green alga, land plants) 
e Chl b: green, chlorophyta (green alga, land plants) 
e Chl c: yellow-green, phaenophyta (brown alga) 
e  Bacteriochlorophyll b: cyano bacteria 
In photosynthesis the energy of light is transferred to an 
electron in the active center between two coupled chlorophyll a- 
molecules, while chlorophyll b is mainly responsible for 
collecting and transferring light to the active center. 
In land plants only chlorophyll a and b is produced. So suitable 
techniques have to be applied for the extraction of the 
molecules out of the leaves. Firstly, the leafs are cut up small 
and under addition of calcium carbonate (CaCO;) and acetone 
triturated in a cooled morter. After the first destruction of the 
leaf structure the breakup is continued by adding further 
acetone. The material is finally centrifuged for ten minutes. The 
clear, deep-green supernatant which contains all pigments is 
decanted to a cuvette for the transmission measurement. 
The chlorophyll concentration in mg:ml' results from the 
measured transmission of the probe at specific wavelengths 
from (Arnon 1949 and Porra 2002): 
CHLG) «(0175 * E o) ~ (2.35 EL) (3) 
CHL(b) » (18,61* E,,,) — (3.96 * E¢,) 
For control purposes the probes have been measured by the 
TriOS sensor and a calibrated laboratory photometer (Perkin 
Elmer UV/Vis Spectrometer Lambda 20 with Software 
UVWinlab). With the sensor system and the formulae described 
above the results shown in Appendix C have been achieved. 
The results comply with the expected accuracy of less than 10 
% of the chlorophyll concentration. This proves that the sensor 
system and the measurement setup used is suitable for this task. 
Furthermore, it can be observed that considering the offset of - 
0,014 in the transmission values does not improve the results 
When acquiring spectral information from plants the relevant 
parameter is the ratio of incident and reflected or transmitted 
illumination. For field work the problem of simultaneous 
measurement of both intensities has to be solved or a closed 
sensor system has to be used. 
By using calibrated cuvettes and fiber optic cables spectral 
resolution and intensity accuracy of a sensor system can be 
easily verified in the visible range by a laboratory test. Fiber 
optic cables must be used in a constant order and direction to 
avoid any effects or irregularities in the optical pathway. 
The use of low-cost spectrometers normally accomplishes the 
required accuracy and reliability for applications with plants 
like precision agriculture or phyto-remediation. The quality of 
the instrumentation allows for a long term use in filed-work. 
There, a rapid test with defined material with a known spectral 
behavior (spectral standard) can be carried through. 
Further research work has to be done to analyze some effects 
concerning the spectral behavior of the light source. Within the 
limits of accuracy of a highly precise laboratory photometer the 
light source remained constant for a longer observation epoch. 
Nevertheless, differences in the intensities were noticeable 
between different epochs. 
Arnon, D. I. 1949. “Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts”, 
Plant Physiol. 24, ] -15. 
DIN 5036 Teil 1, 1978. “Strahlungsphysikalische und 
lichttechnische Eigenschaften von Materialien", Beuth Verlag 
GmbH Berlin Kóln. 
Fiedler, HJ. 2001. *Bóden und  Bodenfunktionen: in 
Ókosystemen und Ballungsráumen*, Expert Verlag, ISBN: 3- 
Porra R. J., 2002. “The chequered history of the development 
and use of simultaneous equations for the accurate 
determination of chlorophylls a and b”, Photosynthesis 
Research 73. 
Scheffer, F. 2002. “Lehrbuch der Bodenkunde®, Spektrum 
Akademischer Verlag Heidelberg, ISBN: 3-8274-1324-9. 
Weisensee, M. 1992. "Modelle und Algorithmen für das 
Facetten-Stereosehen", DGK, C, 374. 
(accessed: 28.04.2004). 

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