Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
resolution satellites only 29% of the European gas pipeline 
network can be monitored! 
In figure-4 an overview is given of the monitoring period of 
each observation (the number of days passed after the last 
observation). The scheduling algorithm targets at a monitoring 
period between 7 and 14 days. The dip at 9 days is caused by 
the orbit pattern. By investigating more advanced scheduling 
algorithms possibly a some higher effectiveness can be 
Monitoring days per observation 
250.000 E. 
tT | 
I | 
| | 
200.000 Peu ies | 
E | 
2 Ei | 
T 150.000 1-——— — : La ner + N EN ere ims aS 
e i 
9 100.000 BEE 
50.000 +++... ers Je ee reir 
ANI 2 5 i 
0 - NRA 7 ARR N A 
e e e 2 8 & 8 a S2 3 3 
MESA EEE dns omefdawm a : ; = 
—— no clouds no clouds, sun>15 »— clouds, sun» 95. | 
Figure-4: Distribution of monitoring period per observation 
In order to get an impression of the spatial distribution of this 
monitoring capacity in figure-5 an overview is given of the 
number of days that each element is not monitored during the 
year, this means all days extending the 14 day monitoring 
periods. It can be seen that dense network areas and network 
trajectories in the north-south track direction are monitored 
áIDHAédOg*iu--t^i KAA A 
Figure-5: Number of days a network element is not monitored, 
green X2 days, yellow x21 days, red > 21 days. 
[n a next step several system parameters have been varied in 
order to get a feeling of the influence of the sensitiveness of the 
system to these parameters. Here attention will be paid to the 
availability of cloud information for the scheduling, the number 
of satellites, the swath width and the pointing range. 
Use of cloud information 
The simulation results of the situation with clouds as shown in 
table-2 and figure-4 have been generated for the case that ideal 
information on the cloud situation is available for the satellite 
scheduling. In case no information on the cloud situation at 
time of observation is available for satellite scheduling, the 
results are much weaker, as can be seen in table-3. 
Table-3: Simulation results related to use of cloud information 
observations total |-observ. 7-14 days | monitoring days 
number . times| number times number. % full 
case elements network} elements network monit. 
Full cloud info 582.860 22,7| 274.909 10,7] 2.717.495 29,0% 
1 hour old cloud info) 492.099 19,1| 208.716 8,1| 2.088.109 22,3% 
No cloud info 344.288 13,4| 133.981 5.2| 1.334.648 14,2% 
The effectiveness of the system drops from 29% to 14.2%. In 
case cloud information of 1 hour old can be used the effect of 
this information still is significant: 22.3%. The effect of the use 
of cloud information also is shown in figure-6, where the 
distribution of the number of yearly cloud free observations is 
Different options and strategies for the use of cloud information 
are thinkable. They are dealt with in more detail by (Algra, 
Effect of cloud information 
1.000 4 mes 
nr of elements 
| 200 | + eta | | 
$e a e a + 
0 ; 
- u» e wn e AO e wn © wn © 
- + ~N N e e <r "f wn 
nr of visits 
| | no cloud info cloud info + cloud info 1hr old 
Figure-6: Distribution of the number of cloud free observations 
for different situations of cloud information. 
Number of satellites 
As described, with a number of 4 satellites only 29% of the 
fully required monitoring capacity are obtained. Additional 
simulations with constellations of 1, 2, 6 and 8 satellites have 
been made. The result is shown in figure-7. With 8 satellites the 
capacity increases to 49%. When also observations after 15 to 
21 days are accepted the capacity would reach to 68%. 
% oftotal monitoring days for all elements 
70% ee A mem 
50% Frm tes rics BB 
40% up || || uperod 1521 days | 
30% | 
EI period 8-14 days 
| 10% | § 1 | 
| { 
| 0% - ; i 
% total monitoring days 
e N <r aq eo 
nr of satellites 
Figure-7: Monitoring capacity in % of required monitoring days 
for different number of satellites 
the | 
of a 
A ci 
is a 
% total monitoring days 
à COI 
than | 
% of total monitoring days 

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