Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
(1) lead to the classical DOP equation for the water depth 
N In(L, ) N In(L, ), | 
pe ied al 2) 
where N= number of spectral bands 
In practice, to guarantee homogeneity the DOP model assumes 
constant coefficients of absorption, and, as will be discussed 
later, this is the main cause of the failure of the DOP algorithm 
in the lagoon of Venice, where the spatial lack of homogeneity 
is very high. 
22 A new stratified genetic algorithm for batimetric 
measures in the lagoon 
The high spatial variability of the seabed and the presence of 
suspended sediments in the water is the principal causes that 
make inapplicable the DOP model in the lagoon of Venice. The 
high variability of which the coefficients of absorption assume 
in the lagoon of Venice can be interpreted as a lack of 
homogeneity in the water column, circumstance that does come 
less one of the conditions imposed to the Jupp bathymetry 
mapping model. Since the condition of uniformity of the 
seabed in the lagoon of Venice is not verified, the Jupp model 
has been modified in order to compute an accurate description 
of the real bathymetry into a complex environment such as the 
lagoon of Venice. Looking at Eq. (2), the term 
N In(L ) 
S 6 
Lu —2k; 
is interpretable as a corrective term that normalizes the 
geometric media of Ly. It can be noticed that Eq. (2) doesn't 
perform a complete regression on the radiometric input data, 
but uses only the deriving information from the coefficient of 
absorption (the slope) to achieve a first bathymetric estimation, 
and, subsequently, compensates the error by esteeming 
separately the term (3) in shallow water areas. In our new 
model, called stratified genetic algorithm (SGA), the term (3) 
has been eliminated from Eq. (2) and a new parameter (Y;) has 
been introduced to perform a complete regression on the 
multispectral dataset. 
zy (4) 
where m = number of layers 
The new algorithm proposed uses Eq. (4) to build a statified 
genetic algorithm. Exploiting the different penetration of the 
electromagnetic radiation in the water, Eq. (4) is computed for 
intervals of increasing depths. The SGA algorithm divides the 
water column into elementary volumes of increasing depth, and 
for each of them computes the coefficients of absorption (kj), 
the parameters (Y;) and the estimated bathymetry (z). This 
procedure is repeated for every spectral bands available, until 
all the image is processed. In practise, for every elementary 
water volume built, the SGA computes a batimetric estimation 
for every spectral band available and puts in competition 
results. Only those outputs (coefficients of absorption, 
coefficients of regression and the estimated bathymetry) with 
the highest correlation coefficient are assumed as representative 
for the whole elementary water volume. The final bathymetry 
map is built incrementally, using for every step the best 
correlated parameters found. 
3.4 Study area 
The lagoon of Venice is a particularly complex territory, where 
land and water intersect to form systems and subsystems 
regulated by delicate equilibriums and where ecosystems of 
incomparable beauty coexist with a considerable industrial and 
agricultural activity. The lagoon of Venice is extended on a 
surface of about 550 km?, among the terminal course of the 
Brenta river (mouth of Brondolo) and the final flow of the Sile 
river to north (mouth of old Piave). From the hydrographical 
point of view, the lagoon is divided into three portions: the 
mouth of Chioggia, the mouth of Malamocco and the mouth of 
Lido. These subtend and determine real lagoon basins, that are 
clearly identifiable and have easily recognizable limits. The 
78% of the lagoon surface is characterized by wide expanses of 
water crossed by a dense net of canals with different depth. 
The communication of the lagoon with the sea determines its 
brackish character, that guarantees the survival of the peculiar 
biological characteristics, and the daily sea ingression- 
regression across the mouths constantly models the physical 
conformation of the lagoon. 
3.2 Dataset 
The SGA algorithm proposed has been used to evaluate the 
bathymetry in the lagoon of Venice, using the multispectral data 
acquired with the QuickBird sensor on May 16, 2002 (10:05:40 
GMT). Figure 1 show the study area (from 45°33°28” N and 
1221710" E to from 45?23'53" N and 12?30'33" E) The 
spectral and spatial characteristics of the QuickBird images are: 
Pancromatic band with a GSD of 0.64: 
=  (.450-0.900 um spectral range. 
Multispectral bands with a GSD of 2.56 m: 
= Blue (0.450-0.520 um); 
= Green (0.520-0.600 um); 
= Red (0.630-0.690 pm); 
= Near infrared (760 -900 pm). 
QuickBird data have been converted to at-sensor radiance and 
atmospherically corrected using the 6S (Second Simulation of 
the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum) radiative transfer 
code (Vermote ef al., 1997) and the optical thickness obtained 
from the Aeronet network (http://www.aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov). 
Satellite data was subsequently geometrically corrected and 
A sounding bathymetry chart of the entire lagoon at scale 
1:5,000 was used as batimetric reference data. Depth sounding 
points were extracted from the chart and they have been 
interpolated and resampled with a TIN (Triangular Irregular 
Network) algorithm, in order to obtain a regular sampled raster 

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