Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
environmental problems; inadequate political will and 
inappropriate legislative and administrative frameworks in 
which responsibility for air quality management is divided 
between a number of government ministries and the local 
administrations are some of the reasons. 
Since 1995 the Department of the Environment (DOE) and 
the Air Quality Control Company (AQCC) of Iran have 
monitored some parameters of air pollution continually. 
Figure | shows the locations of air pollution monitoring 
stations in Tehran. 
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Figure 1.The Locations of air pollution stations in Tehran 
Regarding various environmental standards defined in the 
world; in this paper PSI (Pollutant Standard Index) standard 
have been used. 
1, 71 
p = x Is X (C, = BP, ) + Ly 
B Hi ^y 
[,= Pollution index 
[= PSI related to high break point 
[j 47 PSI related to low break point 
BPy;- High break point >= C, 
BP,, Low break point <= C, 
C,= Pollutant concentration 
We live in a dynamic world. Every thing around us changes 
at different rates. Most of the phenomena change over time 
so spatio-temporal GIS have been developed [Nadi, 2003.]. 
Traditional GIS applications deal with sets of static objects, 
many spatial referenced objects change with time and more 
and more applications referred to location and time are 
considered; therefore the necessity of using spatio-temporal 
GIS is inevitable. A spatio-temporal GIS aims to process, 
manage and analyze spatio-temporal data [Yuan, 1996.]. 
Storage of captured data from monitoring stations in 
temporal database helps us to optimally manage air quality. 
Air pollution depends on location and time. Capacity of each 
information system is extensively dependent on its data 
model [Yuan, 1996.]. A data model should define data type, 
relationship, operations and rules to maintain database 
integrity [Date, 1995.]. Considering large amount of 
monitored data, designing and normalizing database is 
seriously recommended. A rigorous data model must 
anticipate spatio-temporal queries and analytical method to 
be performed in the temporal GIS [Yuan, 1996.]. 
From temporality point of view, there are two types of 
information, static and dynamic, which must be modeled 
under a temporal GIS. In this research air pollution 
monitoring stations are mostly static and the value of 
pollutants over the time is dynamic. 
Temporal modeling in GIS started with time stamping layers 
and then goes into process based modeling. This, trend is 
represented below [Nadi, 2003]: 
- Time stamping 
e Snapshot model 
e Space time composite (STC) 
e Spatio-temporal objects 
- Event or process-based 
e Event based spatio-temporal data model (ESTDM) 
e Domain oriented spatio-temporal data model 
Air quality changes continually and we can monitor different 
values over the time for each pollutant .This changes should 
be stored in the database so snapshot model is chosen. In 
snapshot model, each layer is composed of temporally 
homogeneous units. In the other word, in the snapshot model, 
when an event occurs, new layer will be constructed and 
occurrence time will be stamped to the layer (all of the 
information, changed or not changed, will be stored in the 
layer) [Nadi, 2003]. 
An ideal spatio-temporal database is mentioned as a database 
that has the ability to keep the track of changed data besides 
having the normal function essential to every spatial 
database. In addition to the process of updating geographical 
objects, keeping the valid topological (either temporal or 
spatial) relationship are also operational [Roshannejad, 
By doing air quality modeling in a GIS environment, the 
output of the pollutant records can be obtained in the form of 
spatial records. 
GIS science and technology is capable of supporting the 
development of geospatial air quality models. For modeling 
in GIS environment, AQMS may consider as be thought of 
comprising three phases namely, monitoring, development of 
DSS and execution. The milestone capabilities of GIS for 
AQMS are as fallow [Hussain, 2003.]: 
a) Tolocate the monitoring station 
b) To develop geospatial air quality models 
c) To develop spatial decision support system (SDDS). 
In this research the monitored environmental data from seven 
stations in Tehran in 2002 were collected, and then the 
accuracy of the data was assessed by using statistical 
analysis. To detect and remove errorly recorded data, the 
specific domain of each pollutant should be determined. 
Accuracy of instrument in observation, record and transmit 
affect on data quality. Other parameter affecting data quality 
should be determined. 
The data was structured and stored in the temporal database 
while Tehran's digital map at a scale of 1:2000 was being 
uploaded and topologically structured using ArcView and 
ArcInfo GIS software. The location of stations on the map 
was determined. Attribute data were assigned to spatial 
objects and the system became ready for spatio- temporal 
analysis and management. 

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