Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remoie Sensin, and Spatial Injormation Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 20€ : 
Figure 1. Scatter chart of population density and green 
tract of land area ratio 
+ Chiba 
area ratio % 
oadiodosav: ay 
and total 
| 10k 
207 + Omiya ; .Miyamae 
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+ Nish 
asuKouto | 
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+ Kawasaki 
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2000 4000 6000 8000 0000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 22000 
Population density "Population/m ^ 
Thus, it was assumed the precondition which understood 
urbanization examining which category gave the important 
effect in which item the correlation was high. 
4. Analysis by using Landsat TM image 
It analyzed it as follows 
image for city environmental understanding to verify even 
where was possible by the remote sensing analysis from the 
GIS item referring to the understood point. 
4.1. Understanding of city properties by land coating 
Two kinds of land coating classifications of supervised 
classification and unsupervised classification were done 
from the Landsat TM image at two time of 1985 and 2000 
to which geometry was corrected by using numeric map 
25.000. It classified it into 7 classes, that is, wooden, non- 
wooden, road] railway, bare land, forest, rice field, and 
waters. In supervised classification, numeric map 
25,000(map image) and the aerophotograph, the house map, 
and the 
land use investigation, etc. were used as grand truth. Figure 
2 shows supervised classification result of the whole area 
of the district for the investigation in TM 2000. 
Figure 2. Land coating classification by 
supervised classification (Landsat TM 2000) 
This of each municipal district was cut out, the area ratio 
of each class was calculated, and the pixel distribution 
situation was understood. It was thought that the point that 
pixel density which hit the urban area on a wooden 
structure, non-wooden structure, and the road was high and 
pixel density of the green tract of land in the bare land and 
by the use of the Landsat TM . 
the forest is low was an overcrowdedness urban area. ' 
classes (the road, wooden, non-wooden) were understood 
as an urban area, and 3 classes (the rice field, the forest. 
and the bare land) were understood as a green region. Thc 
district characteristic was understood from each ratio in 
each municipal district (Figure 3). Because the distribution 
relation of the city was almost corresponding, a green 
region and urban situation was able to be understood from 
the land coating classification which used the TM image by 
comparing Figure 1 and Figure 3. That is, the situation of 
the overcrowdedness urban area where the green region 
rate decreased extremely was able to be understood in the 
place where an urban rate had increased. Moreover, the 
transformation tendency to the city was understood from 
the change in the number of pixels in 1985 by a similar 
analysis in the TM image. Thus, the city properties as the 
urban area were able to understand both the regional 
characteristics and the distribution situations in the outline 
by the land coating classification of the TM image. 
+ Chiba 
+ Aso 
= x. Eun 
S «Kashiwa * Asah 
& suba 
5 is tUa Takatsu 
© * Omiya, Matsudo" Kanne sit 
ES fchikawa + Kqunan, Shibuya 
c 10 ex * Narashino 
$ + Malogaÿa Ninato + Nak& Vi Nokes 
Oo : 
; » Tsurgfe DW 
e "in " ANN gyro 
25 35 45 55 65 75 85 
Urban rate "X" 
Figure 3. Scatter chart in composition ratio of urban 
area and green region (TM 2000) 
4.2. Understanding of-city properties by image 
operation processing 
In the land coating supervised classification, it is necessary 
to set the brightness value by using detailed regional 
information (grand truth). On the other hand, similar city 
properties to the above-mentioned were understood by 
using 2 indices which were able to be calculated by the 
operation processing in the satellite image, that is, NDVI 
(vegetation index) and UI (urbanization index) as another 
technique. Two calculated indices were made, and the 
mean value was taken in each municipal district and the 
scatter chart was made (Figure 4). 
Vegetation index (NDVI) became a decrease tendency as 
urbanization index (UI) increased. Moreover, the 
distribution situation of each municipal district understood 
the tendency resembled closely. Therefore, urbanization in 
each municipal district and the state of vegetation were 
able to be analyzed by analyzing NDVI and UI equally to 
the land coating classification as well as Figure 3. It can be 
said a useful technique in this analysis technique's 
understanding the city properties in the outline, too. 
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