International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
items from the collected statistical data, the correlation
analysis was done (Table 4). In addition, to understand the
district properties, the scatter chart was made in each item.
Figure 6 shows the scatter chart of the population density
and the fire breaking out density. The feature of the
overcrowdedness urban area that the fire breaking out
density rose was able to be understood when becoming
densely populated from these scatter charts.
Table 4. Correlation matrix between GIS items for
units of town even number eyes
Popiatin Densiy
Pace out Sa
m: mobikratix qain
cersiy tensity
Figure 7. Land coating supervised classification
joo I | chart (IKONOS 2000)
90 * Kitazakael |
| . . ert ’
86 | After pixel ratio of each classification class was totaled by
3 | each each town even number eyes, and pixel distribution
3,7 * Kitazakae2 | situation was understood, pixel ratio in an urban area and a
t 60 s toss | green region was calculated as well as the TM analysis.
8 50 + Ki tazakaed | The scatter chart was made, and on each town even number
= 2 Ntkozaned Horied | eyes, pixel ratio in a green region was made a spindle and
4 * oe lorie? i ; : = . . +
2 * efnadesss A e dict | pixel urban ratio was made for a horizontal axis (Figure 8).
30 Bentent * ene 3. Todai jima3 | 70.0
+ Nekozane3 * Tomioka2 | :
; e Nekozanel i |
20 Oo +Benten2 * Todai jimal a | =-(.88
“Tomi det en i rakul Kairakul s: * Toda ina + Tomioka3 | 60.0 | + Hinode
10 sent . Wioshing2e, IM Lo pu jimis | s oy Tokay
n Chidogi 4 2} 2 | = 500 | , Irifune5
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 5 « Miam?
Population density 5 40.0 | slrifanéz + Imagawa3
: : : ? *Mihamad Kai
Figure 6. Scatter chart of population density fire s xl * Maihama? ur, nimium
: > ; s db eu +Mihamal + TO i
breaking out density (Urayasu City Town even number £ = m
o | 8
eyes) S v : 7 Imagawal
*Fujimi2 , “+ Nekozanel
5.3. IKONOS 100 } LL Hart E
+ Nekozdnghe'
; ; . ym . . . Todaifmal * *fodaifima3
Two kinds of land coating classifications of supervised 0.0 ;
classification and unsupervised classification were done 30 40 50 60 0 75 80 90 100
respectively by using the IKONOS image of two municipal Urban rate
districts (the Urayasu City and Nakahara Ward) in 2000 to Figure 8. Scatter chart in the composition ratio of
understand the situation of the overcrowdedness urban area an
which was able to be read by the GIS analysis on the town : a
even number eyes (Figure 7). The classification class urban area and a green region (The Urayasu City:
classified it separately for 7 classes as well as the TM iis ; + ;
analysis. The town district shape was able to be perceived The distric t of enumerated Tou daij ima, Nekozane, Hope
clearly because the IKONOS image was able to make out and Fujimi can be read by risking it from the GIS dem as
the si d shape from Figure 7 more accurately compare d an overcrowdedness urban area when the district from the
with the E TM image, and properties of urbanization urban rate 7366 ONET to the green region rate 15% below is
and the overcrowdedness degree were able to be seen from this scatter chart. Therefore, the
derstood in detail overcrowdedness urban area on each town even number
ungers ; eyes was able to be specified by such an analysis in the
land coating classification by the IKONOS analysis
compared with the TM analysis which was understanding
each municipal district, and a more detailed analysis
became possible.