International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
each polarization (slant range mode), based on the 8 corner
reflectors (placed in the field along the flight strips using
differential GPS measurement). In this study only HH
polarization at X and P band was analyzed. The longer
wavelenghts (P-band) pass through the forest cover and were used
to generated a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The short
wavelenghts (X band) are reflected from the top of forest
canopies and are used to generate a Digital Surface Model
(DSM). Both models are calibrated and have a spatial resolution
of 2.5 m. The difference between the DSM and DEM is
considered to represent height of vegetation cover, thus providing
in form of an image a so-called “Interferometric Height Model”
(DHM). This image was afterwards segmented using an
algorithm based on hierarchical region growing. This algorithm
start out degrading the image to pyramidical levels with
increasing spatial resolution and performs an initial region
growing based on a mutual nearest neighbor criterion of grey
level values between pixels (Souza Jr. et al. 2003). On each
sucessive level, firstly a border correction by edge detection is
applied. Subsequently, an F-test for homogeneity provides a
criterion for decision on whether to split polygons and grow
regions again. The procedure works successively at Six
pyramidical levels. In the final results, polygons below 2,500 m?
are eliminate in order to provide a degree of segmentation that
would sensibly reflect a minimum landscape unit in the study
area. After the image segmentation, the interferometric height
value from each polygon is extracted, which corresponds to the
localization of each sample plot properly georeferenced, where
the forest inventory was done.
Using this procedure, interferometric height values for both
primary and secondary forest areas were obtained, which are need
to setup a biomass prediction model and consequently allow the
thematic mapping, based on the adjusted equation.
During the field survey, biometric features (DBH » 5 cm, total
tree height) for the primary forest and secondary sucession,
including the botanical identification were collected in several
samples, with measurements in plots of 2,500 and 1,000 m°
respectively (Santos et al, 2003). Secondary succession
inventories were collected to represent three stages of
succession (at initial, intermediate and advanced level). The
stratification considers both the age of the natural regrowth,
certain structural characteristics, and floristic composition.
These data allow for the computation of structural forest
parameters for diameter, total basal area and various height
measures (mean height, predominant height, i.e. the arithmetic
mean of tree height of the upper vegetation stratum), and
biomass was derived by allometric equations from Nelson et al.
(1999) and Chambers et al. ( 2001).
3.1 Interferometric Height versus Ground Data
Interferometric height (h ;,,) for primary forest is a measure of
the height of some predominant collective of the tallest trees,
excluding the under-story. The interferometric height for
secondary growth is a measure of the height of some sub-
emergent individuals that excludes the tallest trees (upper
stratum), and only consists in the smaller ones. Therefore
average height (considering DBH>5cm) was used for secondary
succession and predominant height (mean height of the tallest
200 individuals per hectare) was used for primary forest,
according to Neeff et al. (2004).
A linear function was fitted to the combination of mean and
predominant forest heights as derived from ground data versus
interferometric height as derived from remote sensing data
(Figure 1). The coefficient of determination attained a value of
R? = 0.87 on this regression analysis. Thus, the interferometric
height is a valid measure of forest stand height from a remote
sensing dataset.
has f (m)
ha (m)
Figure 1. Scatterplot of forest height from ground
measurements versus interferometric height derived from X and
P-band SAR data. Source: Neeff et al. (2004).
3.2 Interferometric SAR Data and Biomass
Initially, the biomass stocks variable was logarithmically related
to P-band backscatter data in HH polarization, showing a
coefficient of determination of R* = 0.66 according to Santos et
al. (2003). Using the same dataset at Tapajós region,
considering a polynomial function, these authors reported that
the best fit was produced using the HH polarization (R? 2 0.77)
when comparing to HV and VV polarization. Afterwards, the
interferometric height, i.e. the difference between DSM and
DEM, was taken to represent vegetation height and was
individually related to biomass, whose relation is linear and
yields a determination coefficient of R? 20.87.
Finally, integrating the variables mentioned, both P-band HH
backscatter (6° yy) and interferometric height (h;,) were fitted
to biomass levels, and the precision was slightly increased to R?
= 0.89 for the calculation of standing biomass in primary and
secondary forests. The intercept is not significantly different
from 0 at level œ = 0.05, however, there is no reason to drop the
intercept from the model. This biomass model (Neeff et al.,
2004) was established for all types of forest occurring in this
area; ranging from initial regrowth with biomass levels below
than 5 t/ha to primary forest with biomass levels up to ca. 350
biomass = 44.965 + 13.887 x h ;,, + 10.556 x 0° (1)