International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
The sensor model was applied to georeference the MISR level
1B1 product (Poli, 2003). Two areas of interest, over Germany
and South France, were chosen. From the test over Germany a
GCP accuracy of 173 min X, 87 m in Y and 80 m in Z was
achieved, corresponding to 0.6, 0.3 and 0.3 pixels (ground pixel
size: 275m). For the test over South France, RMS errors of 43
m in X, 45 m in Y and 152 m. in Z. corresponding to 0.2, 0.2
and 0.6 pixels, were obtained.
The first results are promising, because the images have been
oriented with sub-pixel accuracy. The self-calibration was
fundamental because it allowed the estimation of the correct
internal and external orientation parameters. In these tests,
significant values for the principal point displacement have
been estimated. Without self-calibration, the RMS errors in
GCPs were larger than one pixel.
All of our MISR CTH and CTW calculations presented in this
study (Section 2.3) fully rely on the operational LIB2
georectified radiance data. In the future, however, it is planned
to use the georectification from the described in-house sensor
2.3 Cloud-Top Height and Motion Estimation
Determination of CTH from ATSR2, AATSR or any two views
of MISR proceeds along the same scheme, as illustrated in
Figure 1. First, all images were reduced to 8-bit with linear
stretching between the minimum and maximum values. As no a-
priori values of the cloud heights were given to the matching
algorithm, the number of pyramid levels for the hierarchical
matching was chosen so that the maximum possible parallax at
the highest level was only 1-2 pixels. Three and five pyramid
levels were used for ATSR2/AATSR and MISR, respectively.
Every pyramid level was enhanced and radiometrically
equalized with the Wallis filter. According to the block or filter
size, different cloud structures could be enhanced. In general, à
block size of about 70 pixels was chosen at the original level,
which was then decreased up the pyramid. Points with good
texture were selected with the Fôrstner or Harris interest
operator in the first or second pyramid level because it is likely
that these same points are readily detectable in the other levels.
If a cloud mask was available (e.g. our own cloud mask for
ATSR2, LI RCCM or L2TC cloud masks for MISR), we used it
for thinning of the point set to cloud points only, prior to
The unconstrained Multi-Photo Geometrically Constrained
(MPGC) least-squares matching (LSM) (Gruen, 1985;
Baltsavias, 1991) was applied hierarchically, starting on the
highest pyramid level. After each pyramid level, quality control
with absolute tests on the LSM matching statistics was
performed to exclude the largest blunders from further
processing down the pyramid. The patch size was slightly
increased from one pyramid level to the next, from 7 x 7 on the
highest level to about 15 x 15 on the lowest level.
After applying the MPGC LSM algorithm, the matching
solutions were quality-controlled with absolute and relative
tests on the matching statistics. Additionally, meteorological
criteria can be used in the detection of large blunders, including
minimum and maximum cloud heights, minimum and maximum
cross-track parallaxes, which are, after division by the time
difference, proportional to the cross-track wind speed, or
and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
filtering the cloud heights with the brightness temperature
values from the IR. channel(s) in the case of ATSR2/AATSR.
The resulting y-parallaxes were converted into cloud-top
heights according to Prata and Turner (1997). The zenith angles
(e.g. Osa, and Ossa for ATSR2/AATSR) thereby had to be
projected on the along-track plane. The height values of the
successfully matched points were finally interpolated to the full
resolution grid.
The accuracy of the retrieved cloud-top heights was dependent
on the geometric stereo configuration expressed as the base-to-
height ratio B/H, the matching accuracy Ay,, the accuracy of the
georectification, including the exact values of the zenith angles,
and the along-track motion retrieval accuracy Av'. In Table |
the B/H values and image time differences for ATSR2/AATSR
and three different viewing angle combinations of MISR are
listed, together with an estimation of the height error Ah given
an along-track parallax error Ay, of 1 pixel from matching or an
along-track motion error Av' of 5 m/s.
For all sensors, the height error due to motion errors is very
prominent. In contrast to stereo image pairs from scan-
synchronized geostationary satellites, stereo image pairs from a
single polar-orbiting satellite are never perfectly synchronous.
There is a time delay of seconds to minutes between image
acquisition at the different viewing angles. The resulting errors
in stereo cloud-top height retrievals can be quite large,
depending on the along-track cloud motion. as pointed out in
Table 1. If more than two non-symmetric views are available,
the along-track parallax can be separated into the amount due to
cloud height and the amount due to cloud motion. With only
two views, or symmetric multiple views, which is the usual
case, the along-track cloud motion has to be corrected with data
from an independent source. One possible source of
independent data is geostationary satellite cloud motion
information. In our study, three types of geostationary data from
the two European satellites Meteosat-6 and Meteosat-7
(Eumetsat, 2003) were used: the Meteosat-6 5-minute Rapid
Scans during MAP, the quasi-operational Meteosat-6 10-minute
Rapid Scans and the operational Meteosat-7 30-minute
sequences. The launch of the first Meteosat Second Generation
(MSG) satellite (called Meteosat-8 since its transition into
operational mode in March 2004) in August 2002, with a
temporal resolution of 15 minutes, now offers a further data
source for accurate CTW retrieval in several spectral bands.
B/H ratio At [s] |Ah [m] for Ay,| Ah [m] for
= | pixel Av' = 5 m/s
Table 1. Height error caused by parallax error and along-track
motion for various B/H and time acquisition
difference cases.
0.7-1.2 100-130
For cross-track wind retrieval and along-track wind correction,
the exact time difference At between corresponding pixels in the
forward and nadir scans had to be calculated. For
ATSR2/AATSR, the time difference varies significantly over