Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
X, R, G, B, 
X, R. G, 8 (24) 
X= ; =[x,,x,,x,]= : h : 
M s MM 
X. 2,6, B, 
In order to define the fundamental colour morphological 
operators, new infimum and supremum should be defined first. 
Using the vector ordering approach described in the previous 
section, we define the infimum operator ^ in X as follows: 
AX2 AX, X,A Xy] 7 mn(X, X, A X4) Q5) 
In a similar way, we define the supremum operator V in X as 
. follows: 
vXz v(X, X,,A Xy) 2 mx(X,, X,,A X,j (26) 
The application of these two operators to a particular window 
W results in only one output vector that is included in the input 
window W. Consequently, it is obvious that the proposed 
operators are colour preserving since no new colour (vector), 
which is not present in the window, is generated. 
4.20 Definitions of Colour Morphological Operators 
As stated in Section 4.1, we model a colour image as a vector 
field. For the definition of morphological operators in the vector 
field we need to point out the structuring element G. In this 
paper, we define a small single colour image as the structuring 
element for our colour morphological operators in which its size 
is the MXN window W related to a pixel p and its colour is 
either the colour of the pixel p or another colour of interest 
given by the user. We use the colour as the referent vector to 
calculate the variance sj. 
Definition 4 Let C is a colour image, W is a window 
corresponding to pixel p having data matrix X, and G is a 
structuring element with the same size as W and the same 
vers eG ; G ; 
colour as p. The colour dilation o , erosion. €c , closing 
zc , and opening Oc of C by G is the colour image given by: 
óS(C)z (vX,Npeci (27) 
(Cy AX. Vpec (28) 
Xé(C) = e€ (0€ (C) (29) 
oC (C) s o6 (eO (CY (30) 
From the Definition 4, the colour dilation of colour image C by 
the structuring element G keeps the steps as follows: 
a. First, we construct a window J/ at pixel p consisting of the 
neighbourhood of p as the structuring element. 
b. Then, we order all observations in data matrix X 
corresponding to W using the vector ordering approach. 
c. Step (b) results in a rank order of colours in W. we find the 
infimum (supremum) in these colours. 
d. The colour of the dilation (erosion) at the pixel p is the 
infimum chosen in above step. 
Edge detection is one of the basic techniques for many image 
processing tasks, such as image segmentation, image 
compression, feature extraction and so on. Various edge 
detection techniques have been proposed (Pratt, 1991). 
Generally, edges are defined as a discontinuity in some image 
attributes, for example, the brightness for grayscale images. For 
colour images, the situation is different. Several definitions of 
colour edges have been proposed (Pratt, 1991). First, a colour 
edge can be said to exist if and only if the luminance field 
contains an edge. This definition ignores discontinuities in hue 
and saturation that occur in regions of constant luminance. The 
second way to define a colour edge is to check if an edge exists 
in any of its constituent‘ primary components. The third 
definition is based on forming the sum of gradients of the 
primary values or some linear or nonlinear colour component. 
A colour edge is said to exist if the gradient exceeds a 
threshold. Grayscale erosion and dilation have been 
successfully applied to extract the edges in grayscale imagery 
based on the subtraction of images (Dougherty, 1991; Lee et al., 
1987). Unfortunately, these algorithms cannot be applied 
directly to colour imagery by means of colour erosion and 
dilation, since it does not make sense to subtract arithmetically 
two colours in RGB colour space. 
In this section, a new algorithm to detect colour edge is 
introduced by using proposed colour morphological operators. 
According to the definitions of colour edges given by Pratt 
(1991), we define a loose colour edge is defined in the context 
of vector field. Colour edges are defined as any significant 
discontinuity in the vector field representing the colour image. 
Based on these definitions, we further define a basic colour 
edge detector as follows. 
Definition 5 Let C is a colour image, the W is a window 
corresponding to pixel p having data matrix X, and G is a 
structuring element with the same size as W and the same 
SG s n 
colour as p. The colour edge detector EÖC of is the grayscale 
image given by: 
&ó£ (C) » lac € - ££(C) (31) 
| represents an appropriate vector norm. It is worth 
making some remarks about the meaning of this colour edge 
detector, which point out that, in a uniform area of the image C, 
where all colours will be close to each other; the output of the 
detector will be small. However, its response on an edge will be 
large since dilation of image C will be created from the colours 
on the one side of the edge, which have ‘large’ vectors while 
erosion of image C will be created from another side with 
‘small’ vectors. 
To test the feasibility and the performance of the developed 
methodology, experiments have been conducted using real data 
(1) pansharpened 61cm resolution QuickBird satellite imagery, 
(2) pansharpened Im resolution Ikonos satellite imagery, and 
(3) cm-level colour aerial images have been conducted. Three 
of the tested images are shown in Fig. 3. Each colour image has 
24 bits per pixel and 150x150 pixels in size. 

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