Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
tolerating the noise, distortion and incompleteness of data taken 
from the practical applications. Researchers have developed 
several different paradigms of ANNs [4,5]. These paradigms 
are capable of detecting various features represented in input 
signals. An ANN is usually composed of many nonlinear 
computational elements. These computational elements operate 
in parallel to simulate the function of human brain. Hence, an 
ANN is characterized by the topology, activation function, and 
learning rules. The topology is the architecture of how neurons 
are connected, the activation function is the characteristics of 
each neuron, and the learning rule is the strategy for learning 
[4,5]. ANN is also well suited for parallel implementations 
because of the simplicity and repetition of the processing 
2.1 Unsupervised Models 
One type of these networks, which posses the self-organizing 
property, is called competitive learning networks. Three 
different competitive learning networks, the simple competitive 
learning network (SCL), Kohonen's self-organizing feature map 
(KSFM) and the frequency-sensitive competitive learning 
(FSCL) network were used as unsupervised training methods in 
some recognition systems [7]. Similar to statistical clustering 
algorithms, these competitive learning networks are able to find 
the natural groupings from the training data set. The topology 
of the Kohonen self-organizing feature map is represented as a 
2-Dimensional, one-layered output neural net. Each input node 
is connected to each output node. The dimension of the training 
patterns determines the number of input nodes. Unlike the 
output nodes in the Kohonen's feature map, there is no 
particular geometrical relationship between the output nodes in 
both the simple competitive learning network and the 
frequency-sensitive competitive learning network. During the 
process of training, the input patterns are fed into the network 
sequentially. Output nodes represent the ‘trained’ classes and 
the center of each class is stored in the connection weights 
between input and output nodes. 
The following algorithm outlines the operation of the simple 
competitive learning network as applied to unsupervised 
training [8]; let L denote the dimension of the input vectors, 
which for us is the number of spectral bands. We assume that a 
2-D (N x N) output layer is defined for the algorithm, where N 
is chosen so that the expected number of the classes is less than 
or equal to NZ, 
Step 1: Initialize weights wi;(t) (i= 1, …, L and j= 1, .., NX N) 
to small random values. 
Steps 2 - 5 are repeated for each pixel in the 
training data set for each iteration. 
Step 2: Present an input pixel X(t) ^ (x1, ..., X ) at time t. 
Step 3: Compute the distance di between the x; and each output 
node using 
dj = Ziel, L (x; - wis) where i, j, L, Wij and 
X; are similarly defined as in steps 1 and 2. 
Step 4: Select an output node j which has minimum distance 
(Le. the winning node). 
Step 5: Update weights of the winning node j using 
wii(t*l) = Wij(D "NS - wig (0). i=1. ..L 
and 1<j<N x N, where n(t) is a monotonically slowly 
decreasing function of t and its value is between 0 and 1. 
Step 6: Select a subset of these N2 output nodes as spectral 
Competitive learning provides a way to discover the salient 
general features which can be used to classify a set of patterns. 
However, there are many problems associated with competitive 
learning neural networks in the application of remotely sensed 
data. Among them are: 1) underutilization of some neurons [5], 
2) the learning algorithm is very sensitive to the learning rate, rj 
(t) in remotely sensed data analysis, and 3) the number of 
output nodes in the network must be greater than the number of 
spectral classes embedded in the training set. Ideally, the 
number of output nodes should be dynamically determined in 
the training (learning) environment instead of being specified a 
For multispectral classification, the simple competitive learning 
networks are extended to include one more layer which will 
determine the category to which the input pixel belongs. The 
new architecture is shown in Figure 1. Each neuron in the 
category decision layer is calculating the difference between the 
input pixel value and each category protype, respectively, and a 
simple logic box which will determine the minimum value 
among those computed differences and hence the corresponding 
competitive learning layer categon decision layer 
category ! 
Figure l. A modified competitive learning neural networks 
with the extension of a category decision layer. 
2.2 Supervised Models 
Many adaptive, non-parametric neural-net classifiers have been 
proposed for real-world problems. These classifiers show that 
they are capable of achieving higher classification accuracy 
than conventional pixel-based classifiers [9]; however, few 
neural-net classifiers which apply spatial information have been 
proposed. The feed-forward multilayer neural network has 
been widely used in supervised image classification of remotely 
sensed data [10, 11]. Arora and Foody [12] concluded that the 
feed-forward multilayer neural networks would produce the 
most accurate classification results. A backpropagation Feed- 
forward multilayer network as shown in Figure 2 is an 
interconnected network in which neurons are arranged in 
multilayer and fully connected. There is a value called weight 
associated with each connection. These weights are adjusted 
using the back-propagation algorithm or its variations, which is 

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