Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
The objective of this paper is to develop and test a multi- 
resolution classification framework for selecting and integrating 
information from different spatial resolutions to improve land 
use/cover classification. The multi-resolution framework is 
based on the development of analytical techniques and strate- 
gies of selecting and integrating suitable information from dif- 
ferent resolutions into classification routines. The following il- 
lustrates the multi-resolution classification framework. 
A typical computer-assisted classification involves six major 
steps: classification scheme design, feature transformation, 
training, application of classification decision rules, post- 
processing, and accuracy assessment. Spatial autocorrelation in- 
fluences many aspects of image classification, depending on 
sensor resolution and landscape fragmentation. The entire clas- 
sification process, especially the selection of training data, ap- 
propriate resolutions, classification algorithm, and sampling 
data for accuracy assessment, may be affected by the autocorre- 
lation of neighboring pixels. A proposed multi-resolution image 
analysis and classification framework is based on the frame- 
work developed in Chen and Stow. (2003) and presented in 
Figure 1. 
Feature representative ( Establish 
sites for each class I4—| Classificatio 
^ n 
Error modeling and Multi-scale 
accuracy classification decision 
Figure 1. A proposed multi-resolution analysis framework. Rn 
stands for variable image spatial resolution. 
The matic 
The framework proposed here, focuses on the examination of 
image pattern, structural, and autocorrelation using different 
multi-scale spatial analytical techniques in order to select ap- 
propriate methods in different stages of classification such as 
training strategy, feature extraction, scene models, and classifi- 
cation accuracy. Spatial analysis techniques for measuring the 
pattern size and degree of autocorrelation are computed for 
each training class in order to determine whether they can guide 
selection of training data, high-resolution or low-resolution 
classification models, the range of spatial resolutions used for 
classification, and error patterns. The following sections de- 
scribe the major parts of Figure 1. 
2.1 Image resolution pyramids 
Multi-resolution images can be created in two ways: (1) by in- 
tegrating different resolution images acquired by different sen- 
sors; and (2) aggregating fine resolution images into: different 
coarse resolution levels (i.e., image pyramids). Obtaining im- 
ages of different resolutions from different sensors could have 
advantage of including more spectral information that can be 
used to identify different objects, but is expensive. The misreg- 
istration between different images also would increase the 
processing cost and reduce classification accuracy. 
It is more efficient to extract spatial information over a range of 
resolutions from a single high resolution image or degradation. 
There are several types of methods used in the operation of ag- 
gregation including simple aggregation methods (e.g. averag- 
ing, central-pixel, median, sub-sampling, nearest neighbor, cu- 
bic convolution, etc.), scale-space transform (Lindeberg 1994), 
and Wavelet decomposition (Mallat 1989). 
2.2 Multi-scale analysis 
The purpose of multi-scale analysis is to establish a statistical 
model describing relationships between variables measured at 
different resolutions. The proper application of image classifi- 
cation procedures requires knowledge of the variables of the 
data to determine the appropriate classification methodology 
and parameters to use. The concept of spatial autocorrelation 
has been introduced as a basis for understanding the effect of 
scale. Spatial autocorrelation is an important factor in selecting 
1) appropriate training methods for different homoge- 
nous/heterogeneous classes (Chen and Stow, 2002), 2) appro- 
priate spatial resolutions and image scene models (L- or H- 
resolution), 3) suitable classification methods and parameters; 
and 4) understanding classification errors at the different spatial 
resolutions (Foody 2002). 
Prior to performing image classification, exploratory spectral- 
radiometric data analysis and visual assessment of the spatial 
characteristics of each image band is recommended. Explora- 
tory spatial data analysis should be employed to determine re- 
quired information on image spatial characteristics and to en- 
sure that appropriate scene methods and classification 
parameters are used. 
Many spatial statistical measures have been used to establish 
the spatial characteristics and scene model characteristics of 
images and to assess the scale of spatial variation in remotely 
sensed data (such as local variance (Woodcock and Strahler, 
1987), multi-scale spatial variability (Myers, 1997), and Fractal 
analysis (Emerson et al., 1999). Several studies have explored 
spatial autocorrelation measures to examine the autocorrelation 
of pixel DNs and to determine the optimal spatial resolution of 
a remotely sensed application (Atkinson 1997). 
2.3 Multi-scale classification decision rules and algorithms 
Three strategies were developed for maximum likelihood 
classifier by Chen and Stow (2003) to exploit information 
obtained from different resolutions and thus, to improve the 
classification results. 
The first strategy is a simple means of using information from 
multiple resolutions by incorporating them simultaneously in a 
classification routine. In this way feature measures obtained at 
various resolutions are merged. This approach is simple and no 
other algorithms are needed to organize the data. The major 
drawback is that computation cost may be high 
The second strategy is to compare the posteriori probabilities 
obtained from different resolutions. For this approach, the clas- 
sifier is applied at each resolution to obtain the probability for

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