Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

Tsehaie Woldai* & Javkhlanbold Dorjsuren** 
*International Institute for Geoinformation Sciences & Earth Observation (ITC), Hengelosestraat 99. P.O.Box 6, 7500AA Enschede, 
The Netherlands. woldai@itc.nl 
** Geological Information Centre of Mongolia, Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia Javkhlanbold@ite.nl 
Commission VI, Working Group V 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, Earthquakes, Application, Interpretation, ASTER, Landsat TM, Neotectonics, Imagery. 
Landsat TM and ASTER data were used in the neotectonics study of Western Mongolia. The latter has been one of the most seismically 
active intracontinental regions of the world in this century. The occurrences of earthquakes are mostly controlled by active faults. The 
relief in the area is remarkable due to its sharp contrasts and the multitude and variability of the morphological elements: high rugged 
mountains, basins, and wide hilly areas composed of loose sands, gravels and boulders. In an area such as this, where the morphology of 
the terrain responds to a cold, dry climate and where erosion is slow, fault ruptures cutting pediment surfaces are well preserved. Various 
geomorphic features supporting recent tectonic movements were deciphered from the various remotely sensed data. These include: 
strike-slip faults, fault line scarps, triangular facets, uphill facing scarps, pressure-ridges, abrupt change in topographic slope angles along 
fault traces, offset drainage, truncated fan and beheaded drainage. Most of these features were examined in the field and revealed 
movements that have occurred during the Holocene (past 10,000 years). 
Western Mongolia and its surroundings have been one of the 
most seismically active intracontinental regions of the world in 
this century (Fig.1). Many surface ruptures reflecting Paleogene 
and recent earthquakes have been observed and attest to the 
high seismic activity of this region (Baljinnyam et al., 1993; 
Bayasgalan, 1995; Schlupp, 1996, Woldai & Bayasgalan, 1998). 
It is a spectacular natural library for studying faults and great 
earthquakes that occur in the interior of continents far from 
plate boundaries. The ruptures associated with earthquake event 
are well preserved due to the sparse population and the cold, 
arid climate. 
Mapping of present day morphological features provide 
important, though indirect clues for delineating active faults 
related to neotectonics. Peculiar patterns, for example, bending 
and offsetting of streams, linear ridges, pressure ridges, 
beheaded streams, offset drainage, triangular facets, open rifts 
and prominent scraps, and their alignments in certain directions, 
can indicate recent movements. These features might sometimes 
be difficult to map in the field, but could be easily deciphered 
from remote sensing images, due to their advantage of polar 
synoptic overview. The purpose of this paper is to describe the 
results of mapping of major active faults and other neotectonic 
features in the Shagryn Basin of western Mongolia (Fig.1b). 
This has been achieved using Landsat TM and ASTER. The 
information extracted from these datasets is validated in the 
field. Other sources of information used included published 
literatures, the catalogue of Mongolian earthquakes up to 2000, 
a 1:300,000 scale geological map and the USGS Gtopo30 
elevation map of the area. The digitally processed Landsat TM 
and ASTER data proved useful in determining the structure and 
drainage pattern of the area. They also proved effective in 
detecting, delineating and describing the characteristics of 
active faults, their orientation and direction of movement. 
The current study area (Fig.la/b) lies between 45? 40' to 46" 
40"N and 94° 00° to 95° 40°E. It is situated in the southwestern 
part of Mongolia, mainly at the northern junction where the 
NW-SE trending Mongolian Altay range meets the E-W 
trending Gobi Altay Range in its southern junction. 
Traditionally, the geographic boundary between the two Altai is 
somewhat arbitrary (Woldai & Bayasgalan, 1998). The opposite 
senses of active strike-slip displacement however, make it 
difficult to treat the two Altays' as a tectonic continuation of one 
another. The southern end of the Mongolian-Altay is taken to be 
directly south of the Shargyn Tsagaan Basin (Figs.1a), where the 
mountain ranges trend east west. This is a convenient boundary 
because, unlike the situation in the Mongolian-Altay where right- 
lateral strike-slip faulting is pervasive, left-lateral strike-slip 
faulting with components of reverse faulting occurs on easterly 
trending planes that bound the mountains of the Gobi-Altay. 
These conjugate strike-slip faults appear to be reverse and thrust 
faulting that absorbs the stress of the India-Asian collision 
(Molnar and Tapponnier, 1975; Tapponnier and Molnar, 1977; 
1979) with shortening rates accommodating roughly 2 mm/y 
(by suggestion of Molnar). 
The subsurface of the Shargyn Basin contains about 1000 m 
thick of Meso-Cenozoic sediment (Zorin et al, 1982), and 
borehole evidence shows it to be floored with Precambrian 
basement granite-gneiss near the Har Tolgoin Hudag well 
(Togtoh et al., 1994). The oldest basin fill comprises of Jurassic 
conglomerates and sandstones overlain by Lower Cretaceous 

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