International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
Figure 1 a) Fault plane solutions of Mongolian earthquakes (After Bayasgalan, 1999). First motion solutions in cyan, Harvard CMT
solutions in blue, body waveform modelling solutions from other studies in magenta and Bayasgalan (1999) in red. The numbers
indicate the date of seismic event. The letters in white box stands for GA- Gobi Altay, G-TS- Gobi Tien Shan; MA - Mongolian
Altay; STB — Shargyn Tsagaan Basin. The box in red corresponds to the study area. b) Mosaic of ASTER images used in the
structural interpretation of the Shargyn Basin. Red lines show faults along prominent morphological boundaries.
active tectonics, specifically active thrust faulting. The writers
however, relate these terraces to younger active mountain
fronts, formed much later than the older currently inactive ones.
95° 00" " 05730
Figure 2. Mosaic of ASTER images of the Shargyn Basin; red
lines indicate faults. Field evidence shows most of the faults in
the basin to be thrust fault, with some marked by left lateral
The Shargyn Fault
One of the best-exposed sub latitudinal fault zones in the study
area is the fault system of the Shargyn fault (Figs. Ib and 3; see
also Fig. 4), which defines the northern margin of the Shargyn
Basin. It is clearly visible from both ASTER and Landsat TM
images because of its prominent topographical features. The
fault is characterized by linear or curvi-linear principal
displacement zone in map view. The eastern continuation of this
fault branches and curves, as en echelon fault.
The Shargyn fault bounds the southern end of Darviyn Nuruu
range and forms an arc on the north side of the Shargyn Basin.
A clear scarp can be delineated from both Landsat TM and
ASTER images for distance of 55 km. At approximately, 30 km
east of Tajgar Bulag up to the Hoit Shargyn River (Fig. 3) it is
marked by a scarp facing north and crossing young alluvial
deposits. At places the height of the scarp reaches 2.0 — 2.5 m,
but along much of this segment its height is only 1.0 to 1.5 m. A
number of earthquakes were recorded in the Shargyn fault zone
in the past, but they are of low magnitude and not higher than
M- 6. The fault plane solution for this event shows nearly pure
strike-slip faulting: left lateral on a plane striking 81?
(Bayasgalan, 1999). Field check reveals a clear left-lateral
displacement, structurally controlled by river or stream
Latitudinal oriented large ridges between the Tajgar Bulag and
Sonduultai village appear to be pressure ridges also indicating
left lateral slip (See Figure 4). These include a line of frontal,
elongated hills along strike-slip fault protruding above the
piedmont zone. They are separated from the main massif by a
wide elongated depression. But, there are also many
morphological features and tracts that seem to occupy thrusting
and reverse component along the fault. Farther east along the
Buural Mountain, the fault is marked both by a prominent scarp
and by a wide zone (10 to 20m) of highly fractured, and
brecciated rock. Baljinnyam et al: (1993) measured southward
dips of 35° to 55° in bedrock exposures and small (~1 m), but
consistent, left lateral offsets of divides between dry streambeds
on the north side of Buural Mountain. The offsetting of streams
and the alignment of morphological features are very
conspicuous. The drag effect implies a left-lateral sense of
displacement along the neotectonic fault. Dense distribution of
faults also characterize the Buural Mountain massif where step-
like, short, parallel and persistent faults trending NE-SW are
evident. Farther west along the foot of Darviyn Nuruu range, the
fault is marked both by a triangle shaped mountain facets and
by a wide zone (20 to 100 m) of highly fractured, mylonizated
and brecciated rocks along the fault zone. Although this part
seems to indicate an ancient fault scarp, there are recent and old
alluvial fans uplifted at the mountain front that might be
suggestive of earthquake been concentrated on discrete fault
zones (or mountain building been concentrated on distinct
mountain fronts). The morphology of a segmented alluvial fan
may be used as an indicator of active tectonics because the fan
form may reflect varying rates of tectonics processes, such as
faulting, uplift, tilting and folding along and adjacent to the
mountain front. In the case of the current research, the youngest
segments found near the mountain front such as on top of an
alluvial fan on the eastern end of the Darviyn Nuruu Mountain
front would be associated with active uplifting. But far away to
the west from Yamaat Ulaan Uul Mountain, youngest fan
segments are far away from mountain front and are