Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
One more step was conducted to determine the starting values 
used for future growth simulation. The best values identified 
above were actually the starting values. Because of self 
modification incorporated in the model, these starting values tend 
to be altered when a run is completed. Thus, a coefficient may 
have different starting and finishing values for each run. At the 
end, the final values ofthe control coefficients are: diffusion(71 » 
breed(10), spread(32), slope resistance(73), and road 
It should be pointed out that the model calibration was carried out 
with the use of 240 m resolution dataset only. An earlier test 
estimates that the time for completing the first stage of calibration 
using the 120 m resolution data set would be about 32,500 hours 
or 135 days given the computer resource available. For practical 
reason, the other two higher resolution data sets were not used in 
model calibration. 
2.3 Scenario Design and Simulation 
Two possible planning scenarios for future urban development in 
Atlanta were considered here, which are tied with different 
policies and environmental conditions. 
2.3.1 Scenario One: This scenario assumes the factors for the 
growth remain unchanged and thus, it may be termed as 
‘continuation’. It provides therefore a benchmark for comparison 
with the other alternative growth strategy. To implement this 
scenario in model simulation, the values of growth control 
coefficients obtained from the model calibration were used as the 
starting values. The 1999 urban extent data was actually used in 
the simulation and other conditions and input data set can be 
found from Table 2. 
Table 2 The conditions applied for each simulation 
Calibration Runs Parameter 
Hem Coarse | Fine | Final |Averaging 
s resolution (m) 240 
à urban extent (year) 1973. 1979. 1987. 1993. 1999 
2 “roads” (year) 1973. 1987. 1999 
= excluded area stream buffered zones not considered 
slope same (only one layer is available) 
hillshaded relief same (only one laver is available) 
E seed* 2840, 2840 2840 2840 
E. number of times** 4 6 10 100 
t diffusion coeff start 0 40 52 55 
SS | diffusion coeff step 25 5 3 I 
2 diffusion coeff stop 100 60 58 SS 
breed coef! start 0 0 2 8 
breed coeff step 25 5 3 I 
breed coeff stop 100 10 8 8 
spread coeff start 0 5 22 25 
spread coelT step 25 3 3 I 
spread coelf stop 100 35 28 25 
slope resistance start 0 40 47 53 
slope resistance step 25 5 3 1 
slope resistance stop 100 SS 53 53 
road gravity start 0 80 90 100 
road gravity step 25 10 5 | 
road gravity stop 100 100 100 100 
Number of iteration(s) 3125 900 243 | 
* The definitions are: critical high : when the growth rate exceeds this 
value, self-modification increases the control parameter values; 
critical low: when the growth rate falls below this value, 
self-modification increases the control parameter values); boom: value of 
the multiplier (greater than one) by which parameter values are increased 
when the growth rate exceeds critical high; bust: value of the multiplier 
(less than one) by which parameter values are decreased when the growth 
rate falls below critical low), and Critical slope: average slope at which 
system increases spread. 
** Both starting and ending values are given. It should be noted that the 
ending values were the averaged values after100 times of Monte Carlo 
*** Program code was changed to allow up to 200 for road gravity. 
2.3.2. Scenario Two: The second scenario considers a hybrid 
growth strategy in which both conventional suburban development 
and alternative growth efforts, such as smart growth and new 
urbanism, are addressed. This scenario also considers 
environmental conservation by limiting development 
around several predefined buffer zones. 
To implement this idea in model simulation, the starting values for 
five growth control coefficients used in the first scenario need to 
be changed in order to slow down the growth rate and to alter the 
growth pattern. The conditions used in this scenario can be seen 
from Table 2. Please note that the proposed transportation 
improvements and new additions as well as environmental 
conservation introduced in the second scenario are still valid here. 
Although the two scenarios are different in policies and 
environmental conditions, there are several commonalities. The 
time span is the same, which is from 2000 to 2050. Because ofthe 
limitation in computation resources, only the data set with 240 m 
spatial resolution is used. The two input data layers, namely, 
slope and hillshaded relief, are used without change for all the 
runs. The number of times of Monte Carlo computations is 100 
and the random samples are 2,840, or about 1 percent of the total 
pixels available. 
The progressive urban development as projected into the future 51 
years under two different scenarios can be perceived quite well 
from Figure 2. The graphical outputs ofthe two scenarios are quite 
similar. By evaluating these graphical outputs carefully, it is found 
that a Los Angeles-like metropolis characterized by huge urban 
agglomerations would emerge by 2030, if current development 
conditions are still valid. The vegetation area and open space in 
the 13 metro counties (excluding the northwestern mountainous 
area) would be very limited. In contrast, the simulated 
urbanization under the second scenario appears to be relatively 
restrictive, indicating that the effort of slowing down urbanization 
through model parameterization has been quite efficient. 
Statistical measures reveal much more information. Under the first 
scenario, the total urban area for 2050 would be 1,286,692 ha. 
The total net increment in urban area with at least 5096 probability 
would be 793,561 ha., or 43.6 ha. per day on the average, 
representing an increase of 160 percent between 1999 and 2050. 
As a result of such a dramatic growth, urban land would occupy 
approximately 78.67 percent of the total modeled land by 2050. 
The averaged slope steepness for urban land would increase from 
4.87 percent in 1999 to 8.32 percent in 2050 (Table 3), indicating 
many woody area would be converted into urban use. 
Under the second scenario, by 2050, the total urban area would be 
906,134 ha., or approximately 55.40 percent ofthe entire modeled 
area. The total net urban increment would be 413,003 ha., or 22.2 
ha. per day, indicating an increase of 84 percent between 1999 and 
2050. Apparently, the magnitude of urban growth as projected 
under this scenario has been substantially suppressed. The mean 

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