Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 1. Artefacts. 
Spilling is probably the most grave radiometric problem, as it 
destroys image information and may confuse subsequent 
feature and object extraction. It increases with smaller pixel 
size and with smaller angle between the line-of-sight of the 
sensor and the reflected sun rays. It is pronounced because of 
the TDI and increases when more TDI stages are used. It is 
apparent that with bright targets the respective TDI pixels are 
saturated and the excess signal is not properly discharged, 
influencing subsequent lines. QB has much more spilling 
(more often, longer and wider) due to its smaller pixel size but 
also due to its continuous rotation during imaging. In Geneva, 
QB had 135 artifacts compared to 10 and 18 for IKONOS East 
and West. Ghosting of moving objects (Fig. 1 (d), QB) is 
visible in pansharpened images, due to the time difference in 
the acquisition of the PAN and MSI images. Another factor 
influencing image quality are shadows. In both IKONOS and 
QB images, most shadowed areas (especially in urban areas) 
did not have significant signal variation, even after strong 
contrast enhancement. However, in the winter images of Thun, 
very large open shadowed areas of mountain cliffs covered by 
snow could be enhanced quite successfully. 
2.2 Image Preprocessing 
In order to improve the radiometric quality and optimize the 
images for subsequent processing, a series of filters are 
applied. The performed preprocessing encompasses noise 
reduction, contrast and edge enhancement and reduction to 8- 
bit by non-linear methods. All filters are applied to the 11 bit 
Noise reduction filters aim at reducing noise, while sharpening 
edges and preserving corners and one pixel wide lines. The 
two local filters employed have similar effects although they 
use different parameters (Baltsavias et al., 2001). In Fig. 2, the 
Adaptive Edge Preserving Weighted Smoothing is compared to 
a Gaussian filter. Apart from the visual verification, reduction 
of noise was quantified by noise estimation in inhomogeneous 
areas. Comparing Tables 3 and 4, a reduction of noise by a 
factor of about 2.5 - 3.0 and 1.8 for PAN IKONOS and QB, 
respectively, is estimated. Following noise reduction, local 
contrast enhancement is applied using the Wallis filter. 
Moreover, 11-bit data are reduced to 8-bit by an iterative non- 
linear method in order to preserve the grey values that are 
more frequently occurring. Two different approaches are 
implemented, one with flat frequency of output grey values and 
one with Gaussian form frequency, the latter being applied 
here. The improvement of the image after preprocessing is 
shown in Fig. 3. 
Figure 2. Effect of filtering: (left to right) Original image, 
Gaussian 5x5 filter, Adaptive Edge Preserving Weighted 
PAN 0 —|128- | 256-— | 384 — | 512 — | 640 — | 768 — 
Scenes 127 | 255 383 511 639 767 895 
Geneva I - 1.04 1.01 ].17 1.21 1.84 1.90 
Geneva Q | 0.80 | 0.86 | 0.89 | 0.88 | 0.82 | 0.98 1.24 
Thun 0:53.1- 0.54 1.36: | 2.55 - - - 
Thun 0.54 1:30.76 | 0.81 1.00 1.36 1.94 - 
Table 4. Noise level in inhomogeneous areas and different grey 
value ranges (bins) for IKONOS scenes, after noise reduction. 
Figure 3. IKONOS image before (left) and after (right) 
3.1 Methods and Sensor Models 
With the supplied RPCs and the mathematical model proposed 
by (Grodecki and Dial, 2003), a bundle adjustment is 
performed. The model used is: 
X+Ax=x+a, +a,x+a,y = RPC, (ep, À, h) 
y+Ay=x+by+bx+by=RPC (p,Ah) 
where ay, as, a» and bo, by, b; are the affine parameters for 
each image, and (x, y) and (@, A, A) are image and object 
coordinates of points. 
Using this adjustment model, we expect that ao and by absorb 
most errors in the exterior and interior orientation. The 
parameters a,, az, bj, b; are used to absorb the effects of on- 
board GPS and IMU drift errors and other residual effects. In 
our approach, we first use the RPCs to transform from object to 
image space and then using these values and the known pixel 
coordinates we compute either two translations (model RPCI) 
or all 6 affine parameters (model RPC2). 
For satellite sensors with a narrow field of view like IKONOS 
and QB, simpler sensor models can be used. We use the 3D 
affine model (3daff) and the relief-corrected 2D affine (2daff) 
transformation. They are discussed in detail in Fraser et al. 
(2002) and Fraser (2004). Their validity and performance is 

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